
Apr 22, 2013 19:54

Don't you just love group work? /sarcasm

The last assignment for our art/writing class, due tomorrow, was a group assignment, a performance of some sort, based on words we drew from an envelope. I drew the word blood. My two assigned partners were not in class when the assignment was dealt out. (This was two weeks ago.) I then found out one of them had already dropped the class. I got the email of the other one and sent him a message, telling him he had to contact the teachers to be assigned a word and then we had to meet up as soon as possible to try and figure out what to do.

Six days later he sends me an email saying he's been busy, have I done the assignment yet?

WTF? I sent him a pissed off email back telling him no, I'm not doing the assignment for him, he hasn't even told me what his word is. Please contact the teachers, I'll see him on Tuesday, we can talk about it then.

Of course he didn't show up on Tuesday and since I hadn't heard a word from him I talked to the teachers, explained the situation and was told I could do the assignment on my own. I drew another word, whore (Horrible words, but great for creativity.) and spent the week planning my performance, my own ideas, based on those two words.

TODAY, the day before we're to perform, the guy sends me an email. "Hi. I finally have time to do this. How about we meet up tonight and get creative?"

Honestly, I laughed. I mean... what? Is he kidding me?

I wrote back and basically told him to screw himself. I called him irresponsible, rude and just unfuckingbelievable, thinking I'd just sit and wait for him for two weeks until he finally decided it was convenient for him, at the last fucking minute, to do something. I mean seriously, the nerve!

I should say, this isn't one of my classmates, it's one of the art students. They're doing their final show this week, which is why he's been so busy. I couldn't care less, he's still a fucking asshole.

[ETA: Oh my. This is such a stellar young man. I just got his answer: "You could have just said no. No one wants to listen to you whining." How old is he, 12? Man, I'm so sad I didn't get the chance to do this assignment with him. *rolls eyes*]


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