(no subject)

Apr 24, 2013 12:18

Man, I ROCKED that performance art thingy today. *pumps fist*

Seriously, people sat stunned and crying and speechless, that's how good it was.

My asshole should-have-been-partner? Didn't even show. I am so happy I got to do the whole thing by myself, I doubt he would have been on board with my bloody interpretation of slutshaming. *snorts*

On a not so happy note, I slept on the couch last night because hubby was snoring so loud and now I'm covered in itchy red spots on my back and stomach and chest. WTH? The cats don't really go out so it can't be flees, I think. I often sleep on the couch and this is the first time this has happened. Seriously, wtf?

[ETA. I wrote this entry yesterday but LJ died on me. And then I suddenly got sick and started vomiting with the worst stomach flu attack ever and abandoned the internet for the day. Ugh. Still feel less than stellar but I'm hoping the vomiting is over because I have things to do and places to be tonight.]

uni, health

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