Apr 22, 2013 08:31
I borrowed hiking boots from my sister a month ago for that trip I went on. Yesterday the cat PEED in the goddamn boot. *headdesk* TODAY my sister sends me a Facebook message asking for them back. *headdesk to infinity*
If she'd only asked for them two days ago. Or if she only didn't ask for them NOW because it will take them at least two days to dry out after being soaked in the cat pee cleaning stuff. And I don't even know if it will work or maybe ruin the goddamn boots. Worst case scenario we buy her new boots but right now I'm panicking, I need to come clean with her and admit what happened and I HATE dealing with stuff like this and hubby isn't even home and I'm waiting for the damn pharmacy to open so I can buy more of the cleaning stuff because I only had a little left and I don't think it's enough and goddamn fucking asshole CAT!! How the hell can it be more convenient to hold your butt over a high boot to pee inside it than just going on the goddamn floor if you absolutely need to pee anywhere that isn't your goddamn fucking litter box!!??!