(no subject)

Dec 31, 2009 13:20

Happy new year, and happy end to decade of evil and disaster. Somebody seems to have put the goddess Hera in charge of this decade: pointless Trojan-esque wars, suspicion and paranoia, scheming and bickering - but punctuated and relieved by some wonderful weddings, and the right to same-sex marriage.

(Let's hope Demeter or Artemis takes the reins of the next - we could use some progress on the ecological front. But I'd settle for Aphrodite. Making love, not war is certainly better than the alternative.)

I'm going to be ushering in this decade with Sean tonight, who I was with when this decade started. It's a nice bookend to the bad decade, and a good way of starting over the decade. Here's to getting a re-do on the last ten years.

life, milestones, politics

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