(no subject)

Dec 30, 2009 13:51

The Noughties are nearly naught, so I for one would like to welcome our monolith-hurtling overlords.

I have a feeling this year will be better than the last. There's quite a few things I'm looking forward to - the return of friends from Australia is one. As a demographics-loving geek, the census is another - though I'm probably alone there. Damn. It's 2011.

(I'm especially interested in changing religious demographics, but that census question appears only in years ending in zero one.)

Chrismayulahannakahmas with the family was good, all things considered. Once again, my parents tiny Tudor-style witch's house in Saanich filled up with people - 20 of us, half very elderly, with one bathroom to share. My sister and infinitecomplex got me World War Z, a Futurama movie, and Coupland's Generation A. Luckily I hadn't bought the last, last week - I almost had. I also have Dragon Age: Origins, and shall have a PS3 to play it on soon after my return to ex-Ville Marie.

I've been spending most of my days with Sean here, which has kind of been a refuge. I've also been writing - 101 pages on the new novel, but it'll need a lot of work after this draft is done. I am looking forward to going back to Montreal, though.

life, christmas, milestones

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