And in other news: My Mummy is available for pre-order

Jun 29, 2008 15:15

And it's about frelling time!

After four years of waiting and set-backs and more waiting, My Mummy, the movie Geo co-wrote, co-directed, and co-starred in, and that I worked wardrobe and costuming on, is now available for pre-order through

In August of 2004, Geo and I spent a month of long hours in temperatures ranging from sweltering hot to freezing (not literally) cold, working loooooonnnnnngggggg (15+ hour) days shooting a little film inspired by a true local story. Shot completely in Dayton and New Carlisle, Ohio, this little project taught me a lot about the work that goes in to making a low-budget indie film. Some days went really well. Some nights I was so tired and frustrated I was ready to walk off the project and not come back. But in the end, we prevailed, and now we have a distributor.

The movie will be available in Hollywood Video stores, and I believe the director (and distributor?) is working on a deal with Netflix and probably iTunes as well. (Geo and JT's weekly radio show is available through iTunes right now. What? You didn't know Geo has a radio show? Weeeeellll . . . remind me to post about that in a separate entry.)

The back of the DVD reads: An old world style horror comedy. Brad (Adam Rihacek) and Kat (Natasha Randall) got more than they bargained for in their "gag" mummy they purchased from Earl's All-American Exquisite Antique-O-Rama. After bringing the sarcophagus home, Brad and Kat stumble upon the enchanted scarf that makes the mummy come alive, mirroring the movements of whoever wears it. Learning of the mummy's powers, scheming antiques dealer Earl Schmelzer (J. Todd Anderson) and his employee, Lance Brady (Taiwo Jones) try to scam Brad and Kat out of their new acquisition. All the while, "Kreepy Karl" Futznekkkr (George Willeman) and his dimwitted assistant Leonard (Doug Carpenter) are attempting to steal the mummy away for use in their own grand scheme.

WARNING: Contains Adult Situational Comedy, including chase scenes, gallows humor, and a mummy thrown in a lake!

The movie is not rated, but I'd put it at a PG-13.

One of the best things about the movie is the soundtrack, written by Tom Maxwell and Ken Mosher of the Squirrel Nut Zippers. They even gave us the rights to use their song "Hell." Probably the most fun night of shooting for me was shooting the night club scene, when, after everyone was in costume and I was done with them, I got to be an extra and spent the night dancing. Very, very cool.

So, anyway, there ya go. After four years of waiting, it looks like this is finally happening. I hope some of you check it out and leave reviews where you can (we'll have an IMDB listing by the time the movie is released in August. And there's always

geo, my mummy, movies

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