Fic: Burn it Down (Dean/Cas) Part 5

Mar 11, 2013 20:37

Title: Burn it Down

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Dean/Cas, past Dean/Alastair, mentioned Jimmy/Amelia, mentioned Emmanuel/Inias, Sam/Jess

Warnings: omega!verse, alternate universe, mentions of abuse (verbal, mental, sexual), physical assault, abandonment, dogsuit!dean, past non-con, dub-con, mentions of incest, mentions of forced pregnancy, alpha-beta dynamics, mpreg, knotting, mating/heat, forced birth, kidnapping, bonding
Summary: For dc_dystopia twisted fairy tales: Left abandoned by his family, Dean has had a hard life. Now, he finds himself falling for his employer, Castiel Novak. In turn, Castiel is drawn to the broken being and wishes to do all he can to fix Dean. Luckily, both may have the Profound Bond many wish for. Unluckily, Dean's family is not done with him yet... Based off the story "Catskin"

Dean had gone out shopping with Jimmy, for the last few bits of baby things they’d need, and was resting now, talking to his daughter quietly. Ellen guessed that, without complications, Dean would have his daughter in perhaps a week or less, and despite an initial argument over what to name him, Dean had finally settled on Ari. Her full name was Ariel, because Dean would never admit to liking The Little Mermaid or having read The Tempest, and Castiel approved of the name a great deal (he would, his family had someone named Lucifer, for crying out out…even if he and Nick were a nice but depressing couple sometimes). Though Cas had worried about the trip, most of the Betas who had children told him it was fine, and Uriel had been sent along for extra-protection.
Which meant he was carrying the bags that Jimmy had found, and moping, which Dean found kinda funny. Uriel was, by far, the meanest of all Castiel’s half-siblings, and probably the one with the weirdest, darkest sense of humor there was, as opposed to Gabriel’s sense of humor (which ranged from frat boy to ‘deadly serious’). He was also the first one that, when allowed to touch Dean’s tummy while baby Ari was kicking, had gone from ‘tough guy’ to ‘holy shit there’s a person in there’ in five seconds flat.
Dean was never letting him live that down. Uriel was therefore Not Dean’s Friend and would Not Be Babysitting the baby EVER. No matter how cute the baby was.
Yeah, Uriel was going to be the uncle that spoiled this kid rotten.
Dean let out a small sigh and hummed a bit of a song he’d heard before, liking the opening guitar riff and determined to find more. It had been a recent discovery, and he’d stopped most of his listening enjoyment with Metallica and others like it. He found that the ones with lots of guitar riffs were good, and that Ari shifted and really enjoyed it with him. Some, like the opening riff he was humming now, calmed her a bit, and he tried to recall what Mom had sung to him when he was feeling sad or didn’t want to go to bed.
Recalling a bit of it, Dean slowly started singing it in a low voice, seeing Uriel nearby and Jimmy coming out of a shop with the last bag. Most had been left near Dean and Uriel scowled unhappily before going to get them. His rest over, Dean slowly pushed to his feet right before a young woman with dark hair stumbled into him, making him a bit off-balanced but otherwise alright, as the woman had grabbed his arm quick enough to hold him up.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” she apologized, flashing a quick smile that Dean returned easily, though Uriel was looking at her like he was ready to beat her with all the bags full of baby stuff. Jimmy looked a bit confused but smiled at her none the less as Dean attempted to get his arm back, frowning as the grip tightened around it.
“Um…can I have my arm back?”
The woman smiled as a few of the men in the area turned a bit, one going for Uriel with a knife and the other going after Jimmy. Uriel, caught between  helping Jimmy and defending himself, went down as another man grabbed Dean and he was pulled away, Uriel still fighting to help as Jimmy tried to fight back, or at least get out of the way to call for help, others in the mall scattering as the fire alarm sounded.
Dean struggled a bit, not wanting to upset Ari but also trying to get away when a knife presses against his stomach.
“Come on now,” the dark-haired woman said with a smile, “Your daddy missed you.”


Castiel felt it, when Dean was kidnapped. He was trying to get work done when he felt it, and was up quickly, calling Virgil and Uriel in a panic.
Uriel’s phone was turned off, and news of the fire alarm and supposed attack on the mall they’d been visiting came quickly. Rufus drove with only a few of the laws of the road followed, getting them there in record time as the fireman arrived. One part, far away from where they’d taken Dean, was in a panic. An ambulance had a few people who’d been hurt during the fighting, one being Jimmy, who was holding a bad wound on his side and shivering, his features paler then before and his eyes wide with surprise and hurt.
“sorry, they…they got…”
“You don’t know how to fight, I don’t blame you,” Castiel told him, offering a smile even as his guts twisted in fear. Dean wasn’t here, but he had been. Castiel could easily follow the slowly disappearing trail of his mate’s smell, of the fear that he had…not for himself, but for their child…
Uriel was under a sheet, and next to him were two men, both of whom had been the attackers and managed to take Uriel down, but at a price. The bags were covered in blood, as were many of the items inside. Castiel managed to follow the scent trail outside and to an empty spot, with a few banged up cars nearby. The one that had been here was attempting to get away quickly, and was dark, large, and probably a truck.
Michael called and said he was already sending his team. Gabriel called right afterwards and said he’d gotten Crowley to lay off Zachariah long enough to get legal onto it. Castiel thanked them both, and prayed he’d be able to find Dean soon.


Dean had been missing for approximately five hours when Michael and Gabriel’s men found something, as did the police. The two men that had taken down Uriel were part of a group called the Campbells, who were almost if not more infamous then the Winchesters. What was worse was that some of their DNA matched Dean’s, which confirmed the family connection.
Virgil, Michael’s own enforcer, didn’t like it. If Dean and Sam Winchester were children of both sides, then it meant that there was some sort of alliance or union there, or that the Campbells were trying to start a fight with the Winchesters. “Doubtful, given Dean’s history,” he muttered, looking at the grainy photos, “and I can make a few positive IDs.”
“Who?” Michael asked, also worried. Bond-mates didn’t do well apart from one another, and a pregnant bond-mate being threatened would also not help. If Castiel lost both…
Virgil pointed to two men, “Christian and Mark Campbell. The woman is called Ruby. She’s been seen around the area Sam Winchester normally is located, but not recently.”
Michael frowned at the news, Virgil saying, “Hendrickson and some others believe Sam Winchester is attempting to live a normal life. He’s currently attending college and has a Beta girlfriend, Jessica. The problem is the truck.” He showed a photo of the large GMC truck that the cameras caught speeding away from the area. “That’s confirmed as John Winchester’s truck.”
“Good work, Virgil. Find them. As fast as you can.”


Dean woke slowly, recalling the smell of some chemical and his sudden fear about his daughter, then nothing. His mouth felt dry and he coughed, wincing at the light and freezing when he felt the restraints. They weren’t like Alastair’s (“Always do things right, Dean-o, or else the fun ends too soon…”), the metal digging into his wrists and ankles from the police handcuffs. His legs were spread apart enough and set in such a way that he got what he was here for, making his fear rise even more as he tried to get out, wincing at the bite and the fact that neither allowed him much movement.
A hand on his abdomen made him stop struggling, looking up and freezing as he saw his dad. It had been nearly three years, and his father looked horrible. He didn’t even look at Dean, instead just rubbing the belly in a slow motion that made Dean shiver in fear.
“Lookit what we got here,” he heard Dad mutter, softly and in a way that made Dean desperately wish for moisture in his mouth, cuffs rattling a bit against the metal bars of the table. “Dean, you did good this time.”
“Dad…” Dean tried, feeling all his old fears spike up as his father’s dark eyes turned to him. “Dad, please, no.”
“I heard Alastair didn’t want to breed you. I should’ve known. Still, his intel was good, at least.” He kept rubbing Dean’s stomach, like doing so would make Dean’s water break faster, or like he was talking to Ari. “But now Sammy isn’t here either.” The eyes went from the belly to Dean, turning darker as Dean tried to push himself further into the mattress, his father’s hand moving from careful to hurtful and wrapping around Dean’s throat briefly, tightening enough to make Dean fear for his life. “You know what that’s like, to have a bitch for a son? To have to raise it so it can at least get some profit, only to have your only actual son turn on you?”
Dean whimpered as much as he could, the hand loosening as Dad said, “I can do it right this time. Sam’s gone, and he has a pretty little woman to get. They’ll make good children together.” Dad looked back at Dean’s swollen abdomen and smiled. “I’ll do it right this time. I’ll make sure of it.”
Fear was starting to overtake Dean as he struggled a bit, only to be back-handed by his father. He wondered if Dad knew what he was having, knew that he was going to have a little girl. He hadn’t heard from Ellen if she’d be an Alpha or a Beta. If she was a Beta, would Dad just sell her off, like he’d done to Dean, and not care? If she was an Alpha, would she be hurt? Would they make her do things, punish men, like Amelia said they’d made her and a few other female Alphas do on farms?
“no, dad, no, she’s not yours, she-“ Dad hit him again, Dean feeling the old fear, the one that he’d thought he’d long buried, start to slowly creep back in.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do, you slut! You spread your legs and now you have a child! You really think you can care for it? Do you know how badly you messed up Sammy? The type of person he was?”
Dean shook his head in denial, Dad pulling his hair and making Dean look at him as he growled out, “You ruined Sam. You put those stupid thoughts into his head, made him think he was better than I was, then this family was. He ran off, and who taught him to be a sneaky little shit?”
“No, I didn’t, I-“ Dad shook him hard, making tears come to Dean’s eyes at the pain.
“You did. You raised him wrong, and now he’s out there, with some bitch girl, and thinks he can do whatever he wants. Thinks he can turn his back on our obligations, our promises. Do you know how that makes me look? Do you know what type of reputation that kid you raised has now? He’s all ready for the girls, all ready for them to get lined up and fuck him dry, but no, he’s playing house.”
Dean wanted to say that Sam shouldn’t be for that, shouldn’t be just someone you loan out, but another shake, harder and pulling out more hair, made Dean whimper in pain. “Then…then that punk bitch brother of yours tries to get away as well.” Dean feels himself freeze, realizing that Dad’s not talking about Sam. “I never had such ungrateful children in all my life.”
He had another brother. Mom wasn’t dead. Dean tried hard to stay still, to not provoke his father. He wanted nothing more than to just disappear, to have Cas come in and save him, sweep him out of here and to see Sammy again. To get to know his little brother he’d never known, who nearly got away. He wanted to make sure he was alright, to make sure Dad hadn’t hurt him too badly.
Dad put a hand on Dean’s stomach again, and it was all he could do not to flinch. “No, this time, we’ll get things right. I dunno who you laid with to get this, but the kid’ll be good. Perfect, maybe. You turned out docile enough. It was with Sam that I screwed up, and with Adam. Shoulda chosen a less willful girl to bear him.” Dean nearly did flinch at that, feeling himself shaking with barely controlled rage and fear. His dad…his dad was a hero, wasn’t he? Mom said he was…but…
Dean did flinch when a false contraction when through him, and John waited before chuckling, patting the abdomen softly, as if congratulating Ari. “She, you said, right?”
Dean shook his head, fear winning out over his anger, unable to fight back and protect his child or defeat his dad. “no, no, don’t take her, don’t…don’t take my Ari, don’t.”
Dad snorted, looking amused. “Really? You named her? Did you really think you were going to keep her?” John turned and walked out, speaking to someone as Dean went back for a few minutes to pulling on the cuffs, trying to get loose and get out of here, get away from his father and the things that tried to call him family. No, not that, blood, just something to trade and impregnate until it died and was thrown away. Was that what happened to Mom? Dean wished he knew, wished he had more memories of her. Had she been in this same position, on a bed like this, bound while giving birth to Dean and Sam? How many other half-brothers and sisters did he have? He remembered his amazement at the number of half-siblings Castiel had, at the mention of one man fathering all those children.
Dean barely managed to choke back a sob as a woman dressed a nurse and with blond hair walked up, a smirk on her face as she revealed various devices that looked more like the torture implements Alastair had used on him.
“Now then,” she said simply, a smile on her face as she selected a syringe. “Let’s see about getting John’s granddaughter out, shall we?”

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supernatural, alternate universe, dc_dystopia, dean/cas, rating: nc-17

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