Fic: Burn it Down (Dean/Cas) Part 4

Mar 11, 2013 20:35

Title: Burn it Down

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Dean/Cas, past Dean/Alastair, mentioned Jimmy/Amelia, mentioned Emmanuel/Inias, Sam/Jess

Warnings: omega!verse, alternate universe, mentions of abuse (verbal, mental, sexual), physical assault, abandonment, dogsuit!dean, past non-con, dub-con, mentions of incest, mentions of forced pregnancy, alpha-beta dynamics, mpreg, knotting, mating/heat, forced birth, kidnapping, bonding
Summary: For dc_dystopia twisted fairy tales: Left abandoned by his family, Dean has had a hard life. Now, he finds himself falling for his employer, Castiel Novak. In turn, Castiel is drawn to the broken being and wishes to do all he can to fix Dean. Luckily, both may have the Profound Bond many wish for. Unluckily, Dean's family is not done with him yet... Based off the story "Catskin"

Gordon is Gordon, which is to say rude and condescending, when Dean returns to work at the garage. It’s something that he speaks to Castiel for a day about, feeling unhappy and too confined in their small room. He manages to pick out some good clothing, especially for working around engines and cars, and despite what the suit had meant to him, as a connection to Sammy and Dad, Dean manages to cut off the top part, with the ears, and wears that as a reminder. Rufus, when he sees him, huffs and mutters about sentimental idiot Betas, while Bobby, who came by to see about the people he’d supplied to Castiel, looked pleased by Dean’s change and with the news of his new status as Castiel’s bond-mate. “Two of ya seemed perfect, even if you were scared a him when he first came by.”
Dean blushed and Bobby patted him on the back before going to check on some others. Bela, leaving with Gabriel, is a whirlwind and tells Dean to not worry at all, but that if she’s not at least a god-aunt of his first child, she’d be rightfully annoyed with him. He tells her, honestly, that Jo already beat her to that status.
Dean passes his third year away from Sammy and Dad thinking if they’re alright, and reading a bit more about Alphas and Betas. He feels like an idiot for not knowing, but Castiel points out how well all the cars ran, when all Dean had was books to learn from and two years of attempting to recover from a traumatic situation, and when he takes Dean, he’s slow and deep, behind Dean and kissing his back and neck as he holds him, then shifts them so he’s held all night, wrapped in Castiel’s arm with his knot in him for most of it.
What Dean had not expected was Zachariah Milton, someone who worked for the Novaks or was related to them, Dean didn’t remember. Castiel’s father had been a bit prolific in having children, so Castiel had a lot of half-brothers and half-sisters and possible-relations. He was working in the garage when Zachariah arrived, and only knew about it because Rufus was complaining about the arrival of Zach’s driver, an older man named Kubrick, that seemed to be a friend of Gordon’s. Crowley’s arrival also signaled bad things, as shown when Meg appeared and asked him where food and booze was. Dean wasn’t sure about Meg, and the feeling seemed mutual. She had similar scars to him, and Crowley’s last visit had the man blinking at Dean’s changed attire and status, but accepting it with some snark and congratulations. Meg had said it was an excuse to get drunk for the happy couple and however many kids they had, and proceeded to drain the cook’s most hated whiskey that someone had gotten for him on accident. She’d then gone back in for tequila, which the cook and Crowley drew the line at.
“Well, this isn’t good,” Meg muttered when she saw Kubrick and then noticed Dean. “Still no sign of baby?”
Dean frowned at her as she shrugged. He’d not been looking for signs, figuring he’d see them when he did, or at the next appointment. “You sound unhappy.”
“Crowley’s pissed, so I’m unhappy.”
“Why do you think?”
Dean shrugged, checking on a problem that Meg complained about for their car, an expensive import of some sort that Dean never remembered (he knew engines and how to put the cars back together - he’d never had an excuse to remember the name of the car manufacture) before he was called inside to the main room. Dean cleaned up and went in, aware of how he looked. No one minded, he’d thought, not even Crowley, but Zachariah’s look made him shift where he stood, wishing for one of Bela’s outfits.
Castiel held out a hand, and Dean quickly went to it, taking hold and sitting next to him as Crowley smiled a bit, obviously pleased. “You’re being old-fashioned, Zach,” he said, as if picking up an argument from before, “I don’t see why my client needs to do anything you ask. It’s not his father’s wishes, nor his mum’s, and they’re who he inherited his part of the money and house from. You’ve got no ground to stand on.”
“I’ve plenty,” Zachariah said, Dean glancing at Castiel in a silent plea to find out what was going on. “Does the name Winchester mean anything to you?”
“The church or the gun?” Crowley asked, sounding unimpressed.
“The family,” Zachariah told him, obviously at the end of his patience. Dean frowned at the name, whispering it and trying to remember if he ever heard it before in connection to anything. He looked at Castiel, who said after a moment of looking at him. “He doesn’t know.”
Zachariah snorted. “I find that hard to believe. They keep their bloodline regulated, and also keep tabs on each one of them. Worse than the Youngs, I swear.”
Crowley looked bored as Dean continued to frown. Were the Winchesters Alastair’s family? The thought made him feel cold. Alastair hadn’t done anything to him but torment him, had no claim on him anymore. Bobby and Crowley and Cas said so.
“You’re pulling out the family into a void, Zach. I don’t see what the Winchesters have to do with Dean-o there. If it’s because of that…character…” was Crowley’s polite way of saying ‘psychotic bastard’ and the various other bad things he called Alastair, “then you’ve got less than nothing.”
Zachariah glared at Crowley. “I’m not talking about that, though it should be taken into consideration.” He shook his head. “Honestly, taking something so damaged…”
“You’re trying my patience,” Castiel growled, Crowley holding up a hand for Castiel to be quiet before saying to Zachariah, “Mind repeating that, but using ‘his mother’ instead? I hear it’s a wonderful insult on the street these days.”
Zachariah held up a thick folder and put in on the table, opening it to show two photos, both of which got Dean to shift before he nearly fell out of his seat, amazement on his face.
One was a photo of Dad, taken from far away but still, Dean knew him anywhere. The other, far more recognizable because of the front face shot and the longish hair, was Sammy. Another few people were also there, many he didn’t know, but some were with Sammy, others speaking to Dad beside his car.
Three years, and all Dean wanted to do was touch the photo of Sammy, make sure he was ok, ask if he had a Beta, if he had kids, if they were ok. He was pretty sure his brother was an Alpha - it would explain why Dad needed two sons, why Dean was shorter than they were, weaker in some things, had taken care of Sammy no matter what. He knew he could do that for his child, when he had one.
“Dean?” Cas’ voice made him look back at his mate, seeing him look confused. “You know them?”
Dean suddenly felt on the spot, and shifted, trying to look away. Cas’ grounding presence wasn’t helping for some reason. It was like Dean knew the minute he spoke, he’d ruin it. He’d ruin Cas’ life and his and he’d be thrown out, despite the promises, despite what had been said.
“You’re a little bitch, aren’t you?” Alastair’s words were ringing in his head, “Best I can hope out of you is…well, I can’t, can’t I? That’s why they finally just gave you to me for free. You’re just a bitch, nothing would come out right from you.” That had been his usual lines, before he’d cut and shove things into Dean while Dean screamed and Alastair just laughed…
“Dean,” the calm voice made him look at Castiel’s eyes, the blues adding to the solid touch and bringing him back, not caring what was being said around them. Zachariah sounded smug, and Crowley sounded very, very pissed about something. Dean swallowed but kept his eyes only on Cas, focused only on the man who’d said he was family, who’d brought him into his home and heart without questions or disgust.
“You know someone there?”
Dean nodded, not trusting his voice.
Someone said something. Dean guessed it was Zachariah, considering the tone of the voice who told him to “shut up”.
“Who? Who are they?”
Dean licked his lips, afraid but not wanting to disappoint Cas. “S-Sammy…and Dad.”


The Winchesters had a certain type of reputation - specifically, they were guns for hire, usually paid in trade or untraceable money. “Trade” usually meant Betas, and some of the Betas of the group were known for being given away or sold when they reached a certain age, as payment for a debt or to avoid something.
Considering Alastair’s sadistic nature, and that of his boss, Azazel, it was clear that Dean had been a trade for information. What wasn’t clear was how Azazel had ended up dead, or even why he’d been frightened enough to go into hiding after Alastair’s capture.
Dean had been very silent, and though Castiel wanted to take him to their room and be alone, he also knew it might not be best for Dean. Dean went along with many of the things he asked, often uncertain at first, and while that was alright in some cases, Castiel disliked it when he was trying to understand Dean.
Zachariah had left after Crowley had sat back and given him a look that clearly said he wasn’t getting between Castiel or Zachariah anymore. Zachariah was not a fighter in any sense, and had fled. Crowley, unhappy, was still there but in another room, probably waiting to speak to Castiel alone, or both if he had to.
“Dean…” Castiel began, not wanting to suggest anything, but Dean looked so lost, so uncertain. “I’m going to speak to Crowley, then schedule an appointment with the doctor. She said you were fine, but this will be official, so it can’t be used against you.”
Dean nodded, looking up at Castiel and finally asking, “C-can I go back to the garage for tonight?”
Castiel nodded. He’d left Dean’s room there, though Dean never really used it anymore, and Rufus had been fine with it, calling it more of a ‘spare room’ anyway. He waited until Dean left before going to find Crowley.
Dean was mostly silent as he worked on the cars, glad to be allowed time to stress and consider what might happen. He’d never know his family name, and had never thought about taking one either. He supposed that, with Castiel, he’d be a Novak now, but wasn’t certain. He’d never gotten the hang of them either, seeing a person often as the name they were introduced to him by, rather than anything beyond it. He figured it was because he was an idiot about everything but cars.
“Well, well…Winchester.” He froze at Gordon’s drawl and mentally wished that he’d gone to Cas’ room instead, or stayed with him. He should’ve known Gordon of all people would find out and try to use it against him.
But Dean had never had that name, never been given it as far as he knew…he’d always been Dean, or something else, so he didn’t answer Gordon, instead working on the car.
“I’m talking to you, Winchester,” Gordon ground out, apparently angry at the lack of response. Dean stayed silent, because he wasn’t a Winchester. He was Dean, and he was Cas’, so he was probably a Novak, not a Winchester.
Gordon’s hand fell heavily on his shoulder and he was spun around, some of his tools falling into the engine. “I said, I was talking to you!”
“You were talking to Winchester,” Dean pointed out, “I’m Dean. And I need to get the tools out, or Rufus will be pissed.” Gordon backed off a bit, eyes narrowed as Dean turned and went for the tools, cursing a bit at the few that were hard to get and required him to go underneath the car, something he didn’t want to do with Gordon around. The man had gotten volatile lately, and Dean was avoiding him even more.
“So what,” Gordon started as Dean went for one of the tools, “you’re not Winchester? Really? Then what are you? Castiel’s little Beta slut?”
Dean was silent as he got the final tool he could get, grateful that it hadn’t been too hard to reach as Gordon continued, a small smirk on his face. “That’s right. You got Bela to take you to the dances, and next thing we know, you’re warming up Castiel’s bed. Musta been some outfit…Beta males don’t pack that much, so it’s not the size on you. You’re not that good lookin’ either, so you must be a really good bitch in bed.”
Dean swallowed, trying to hold back in whatever was building. He didn’t know where it was from, it was something that came up sometimes, when he thought about all that Dad had demanded of him but not Sammy, when he remembered the four months with Alastair…
“I got it, didn’t I?” Gordon had gotten closer, apparently not noticing the wrench in Dean’s hand, “You’re the little whore-bitch that could. That what Alastair teach you? Did he make sure you could make that used-up ass of yours feel tight, little whore?”
Dean saw red, then black, and the next thing he knew, he was on top of Gordon, knuckles bloody and his body hurting, and Rufus was pulling him off of the downed man, yelling at someone to get Castiel and call for the docs, and Dean was screaming and couldn’t, he just couldn’t…
Then his hands were grabbed by familiar ones, and blue eyes stared him down again, and Dean started trembling, then crying, and didn’t let go of Cas even when the doctors came to check on him.


“It’s common in cases like his,” Ellen told Castiel after they’d managed to give Dean a light sedative before talking to him just outside the bedroom. “He was mentally and physically abused to the point of self-loathing. That he even can think of himself in any sort of positive light is amazing. But adding all that stress of today…” she sighed. “It was bound to happen.”
“I’ve been told,” Castiel said, knowing of the danger. “And Gordon?”
“I’m taking him with me. He needs a hospital, but he also needs someone to actually get sense into that man’s brain. He apparently thought he was showing off. Lucky him…if one of the kids hadn’t gone for Rufus, I think Dean might’ve done worse damage.”
As it was, Castiel didn’t like the situation right now. Zachariah would try to use this as an excuse to make them separate, and their bond was already strong. The minute Dean had gotten into a fight, Castiel had felt uneasy, and had been heading to the garage when the young boy had found him and took him there. Crowley had already gotten the witness’ statements and went through the procedure with the police, before calling Anna and Gabriel for help with it. Castiel was a bit grateful for that. Uriel, who normally didn’t bother with anyone, had also called and offered his services. Considering his brother enjoyed intimidating people, Castiel had simply asked him to talk to Crowley. Crowley, upon hearing that Uriel was calling, turned nearly gleeful. Castiel didn’t want to know.
“You can also tell Zachariah to shove that ‘infertile’ line up where his ass, since his head is obviously lonely up there,” Ellen told him, managing a small smile, “Congratulations are in order, by the way.”
“Thank you.”
She sobered and patted his arm. “Go take care of your Beta and the babe. I’m gonna check on Jo then head back home. You make sure to tell him it ain’t his fault.”
“He won’t listen.”
“I know. It’s still worth saying. At one point it’ll sink in. Just takes a while.”
Castiel nodded again before Ellen left and he returned inside, walking over to Dean and leaning down to kiss him on the side of the face. His mate was on his side, the bruises and cuts taken care of and wrapped, and Dean managed a groggy smile when he saw Castiel.
“’m sorry.”
“Gordon provoked you,” Castiel said, “Ellen told me it’s a normal reaction, when too many things come up. I was worried, when I felt you worry.” Dean smiled a bit at that, snuggling against Castiel as the Alpha wrapped his arms around him. “Ellen also said for me to tell you it’s not your fault.”
“This doesn’t change how much I care for you, Dean.”
Dean made a happy noise. “know. Here,” he managed to maneuver enough to touch his heart, then Castiel’s, before making another sleepy noise and falling under. Castiel smiled at the sentiment, and kissed Dean lightly before making himself comfortable and not letting go of his mate.


To Crowley’s glee, it took Zachariah far too long to get anything together, even with the information about Gordon and Dean’s fight. Michael, for all he couldn’t delegate, was adamant that he wasn’t coming between bonded mates, even if Zachariah thought ill of them or one was a Winchester. Michael made a point of visiting, and upon seeing Dean, both as the mechanic as well as in a suit that Bela had sent him as her own congratulations for the news, he’d told Zachariah to apologize and leave them alone.
Of course, Crowley wasn’t about to leave it at a simple apology, and proceeded to go after Zachariah and all his shady dealings with far more enthusiasm than anything else. It somewhat scared Castiel, but then again, Crowley was happy and enjoyed the odd mad cackle or smirk about something, and he was paid well for it.
Dean had to stop his work as he began to grow, and the cook also started giving him more salads and healthy foods, which Dean somewhat detested but not enough to argue about, especially after the cook also started making a weekly pie for Dean.
Castiel enjoyed speaking to Dean about the baby, and often touched him as much as he could. Jimmy said it was something to help with the bond, though Dean wasn’t so sure. He knew that he had bad feelings when Cas was in a bad mood, and it was much the same for Cas when Dean was feeling bad. He didn’t know if that was a bond or not, but he guessed that was all. He sighed happily, though, comfortable in bed and with Cas next to him. His life had become wonderful, had fallen into a nice routine, even with the baby coming. He could live with it. All he wanted was a family, and he had one now.
Dean slowly rubbed a hand over his growing abdomen and smiled. “We’re family. And I’ll make sure you’re never hurt by us.”

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supernatural, alternate universe, dc_dystopia, dean/cas, rating: nc-17

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