Yuletide Letter!

Oct 26, 2014 00:29

Dear Awesome Yuletide Writer,

First of all, thank you! Thank you so much for taking on this challenge and writing a story for me - I will totally love any story you write, so please, do not fret! That would be my one big post-actual-request request: that you, lovely Yuletide writer, not worry too much about this, because I know I will love anything you come up with.

I understand that the details I included in my requests are totally, completely optional and I am not expecting you to write a story that contains any/some/all of what I rambled on about. For each fandom, I tried to explain why I chose the source material and give a few potential story ideas, but please don't feel bound by them. I included them in the hopes that if you needed a jumping-off point they would be helpful, but if you have something different in mind, go for it! Also, some of my requests feature characters that have either canonically been in a relationship or who I'd be interested to see exploring some kind of a romantic relationship, but if you aren't feeling those relationships as romances, then I'm okay with gen fics featuring any of these characters.

General Story Things I Like: hopeful endings, people making connections with each other, yearning, banter, people trying to be the best versions of themselves (and succeeding or failing).

General Story Things I Don't Go For: cruelty, abuse, incest.

In conclusion: Thank you again, Yuletide writer! You are awesome!

Request 1 - Defiance (TV) - Irisa Nyira, Joshua Nolan

Request Details: I love just about everything about the show, but my favorite aspect is the relationship between Nolan and Irisa. I like that the show doesn't shy away from the fact that they're both broken, complicated people. I loved the webisodes between seasons one and two and would enjoy something in that vein - what was it like when Irisa was a child and Nolan was first learning how to be a parent to her? Or if that doesn't inspire you, maybe something after the most recent finale - how does Irisa bear the burden of what she did, and how does Nolan help her? I'd prefer that their relationship be true to the one depicted on the show, as a loving (if complicated) father/daughter relationship.

Additional Notes: I struggled with writing out this request because the truth is, I really don't care for any stories that make the Nolan/Irisa relationship romantic. But my survey of the fic available shows that my opinion seems to be in the minority, and I didn't want to bum someone out if that was what they were into when they offered the fandom and then got assigned me. But I'm figuring if you went to the trouble of reading this letter, then you really do want to know how I feel, and so I decided to say it here.

Request 2 - Hell on Wheels (TV) - Cullen Bohannon, Ruth Cole

Request Details: The connection between Cullen and Ruth snuck up on me, and I'd love to see just about any story focusing on them. A meal they shared together, gifts they exchanged. When did Ruth start to feel more for him? How does Cullen see Ruth now, either in light of his marriage to Naomi or what Ruth has shown herself to be capable of?

Additional Notes: What do I really want? I really want Ruth and Cullen to find a way to be together, but I honestly have no idea how it can be done on the show without subjecting Cullen to Yet More Awful Heartbreak to resolve the Naomi issue. I cannot put that task upon you, Yuletide Writer, unless you already have a neat solution in mind (I'd love to hear it!). So I would be happy with any little nod to their connection, whether it takes place in the past, present, or future of the show. A story showing Cullen sharing a meal with Ruth and Ezra would be lovely, or any other missing moment from the show, like whether or how they thought of each other during their time apart when Cullen was held captive by the Mormons. Really anything, as long as it features the two characters, and preferably addresses their connection.

Request 3 - The Good Wife (TV) - Cary Agos, Kalinda Sharma

Request Details: I'm rooting for these two crazy kids to figure it out. I'd love anything between them - a missing moment from earlier in the series that helped forge their friendship, something in line with this season, or a glimpse of them meeting in the future after life has taken them different places, or a glimpse of them in the future having figured out a way to make their relationship work.

Additional Notes: I realized after I wrote this that it kind of sounded like I wanted Cary and Kalinda to end up with a house and white picket fence or something, which is definitely not what I meant! I like their relationship as it's been depicted in all of its complications. I do believe that they truly care for each other, and right now are probably the most important person in each other's lives, given what we've seen on the show. In terms of prompts, here are a few: Cary takes Kalinda home with him to his father's funeral, or Cary and Kalinda meet at the airport after not seeing each other in years, or Cary and Kalinda work late together one night early in his days at Lockhart Gardner. And take it in whatever direction feels right to you - I'd just like it to stay true to the fact that these two have always had a connection and care about each other.

Request 4 - Edge of Tomorrow (2014) - William Cage, Rita Vrataski (Edge of Tomorrow)

Request Details: I would love to see more of Rita and William, and just about anything would make me happy: their first awkward lunch or dinner together after the events of the movie. A moment we didn't see in the movie that shows William's growing feelings for Rita, or how or when he realized that he loved her. A quiet moment, a funny moment, an action-filled moment - any of those would make me happy.

Additional Notes: I just watched this movie again over the weekend and seriously, HOW GREAT IS THIS MOVIE? SO GREAT. I loved both of these characters so much, and all I really want is to see more of them. I would love to see how Rita reacts to William telling her about defeating the Omega, and how their relationship might develop from there. I'd also be happy with some glimpses into some of the days we didn't see in the movie, and how they grew closer. I liked the movie's use of humor while still acknowledging the heartbreak and horror of war; I'd be happy with a story that leaned either way, so whichever feels right to you (hopeful or heartbreaking) works for me.


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