Week in photos

Mar 09, 2024 09:57

One of the Youtube channels I watch had this image as part of it:

I thought it appropriate for a history show…

Sunday we had sword practice. My wife has been trying to actively recruit new folks. We got some old folks back. (Not our favorites.) We did get one new person. Hopefully they’ll work out.

It was nice to get back before the sun was down.

Our new building at work still has some issues. One is we don’t have a receiving department, so you find packages outside even when you get there at 6AM.

Sunrise over the solar farm next door is pretty.

Thursday I had both my eye checkup for 1 month after my surgery and dental work done.
The eye exam went well and my eye is declared healed. (I’ll post the visual field later after I scan it at work.)

The teeth didn’t go as well.

It took 5 shots of lydocain to get me to the point they could drill. But, my front teeth have problems. The low estimate of the work is $8,500. The high $40,000.
There are payment plans and such. But, it is still daunting.
I know I’ve been daydreaming of going somewhere to get out of the mood I’m in. As has been pointed out, I need the money for something more pressing. And, I can’t deny that, but it is still sad.

Friday as the March game night, I made my traditional grey corned beef. It has gotten progressively harder to find grey corned beef and all the places I’ve gotten it from before either no longer stock it or have gone out of business.
So, I ordered from an on line butcher shop with a good reputation.
Sadly, there was so little salt in it, I couldn’t taste it at all. It was basically just beef.
I don’t know if they sent me the wrong thing or just don’t do it the way every other one I’ve had for 60 years did it.
Either way it was very expensive and quite disappointing.
They have not responded to my email about the issue.

But, game night was still fun.

photos, dentist, food, sad, game night, phoenix, practice

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