Fanfiction Master Post!!

Aug 06, 2012 23:00

Fanfiction Index

 means the entry is f-locked (mostly the nc-17 rated fics and random f-listed thingy)...
i won't ask for your age or anything, so feel free to add me to read it..
but in order for me to add you back, you need to:
1. leave a comment here or anywhere in my lj and
2. don't forget to add me first so that i can add you back..
don't blame me later if your mind got badly corrupted, because i refuse to take such responsibility (the main reason why i choose to lock such entries).... >_< 
also, take notice to the notes in the table below:

Important notes:
  • do leave a comment before adding me so that i know you're really interested in reading my fics or befriends with me and not just randomly adding me... i'm not asking you to sweet-talk me, just a simple "i added you, so can you add me back?" would do (at least i know you have went through my page, one way or another)...
  • i DO NOT add back people who doesn't leave any comment (a word should be enough to show your sincerity) unless for those who i'm familiar with (always interact with me in my journal or at theirs)... later on, if you find i'm not worthy to be in your f-list, feel free to delete me, i wouldn't mind... 
  • and one more thing, please, i'm tired of finding my name in hate meme (or whatever u call it) so if u have anything to say (or complain) please comment directly or pm me... 
  • do leave a comment once in a while... it wouldn't hurt and i would love to hear from my f-list more often... we're sharing the same interests after all...
  • and last but not last, do remember that it was you who asked to read... lets all be merry...^^

warning: unbeta-ed unless stated



- Only Love -
Sakuraiba, Junba, Ohmiya, Junma

(prologue) |  (chapter 1) |  (chapter 2) |  (chapter 3) |  (chapter 4)
(chapter 5) |  (chapter 6) |  (chapter 7) |  (chapter 8)(chapter 9)
(chapter 10) | (chapter 11) | (chapter 12) |  (chapter 13) | (chapter 14)

  (chapter 15) | (chapter 16) |  (chapter 17) |
  (chapter 18) | (chapter 19)
(chapter 20) |  (chapter 21) | (chapter 22) |
  (chapter 23) |
  (chapter 24)
(chapter 25) | (chapter 26) |
  (chapter 27) | (chapter 28) |  (chapter 29)
(chapter 30) | (chapter 31) | (chapter 32) |  (chapter 33) | (chapter 34)
(chapter 35) | (chapter 36) |  (chapter 37) | (chapter 38) | (chapter 39)
(chapter 40) |  (chapter 41) | (chapter 42) | (chapter 43) | (chapter 44)
(chapter 45) | (chapter 46) | (chapter 47) | (chapter 48) | (chapter 49)
(chapter 50.1) | (chapter 50.2) |
 ( epilogue)


- The Tale of Ten Songs -

(Secret Eyes) | (I want somebody)
(Cry for you) | (Koe) | (Beautiful days)
(Be with you)(Silver ring) | (One love)


- Vampire Heart -
(in collaboration with  ixlovexsho  )
Sakuraiba, Ohmiya

(chapter 1) |  (chapter 2) |  (chapter 3) |  (chapter 4) |  (chapter 5)
(chapter 6) |  (chapter 7) |
  (chapter 8) |  (chapter 9) |  (chapter 10)
(chapter 11) |
  (chapter 12) |  (chapter 13) |
  (chapter 14) |  (chapter 15)

(chapter 16) |  (chapter 17) |  (chapter 18) |  (chapter 19) | (chapter 20)
(chapter 21)..

links provided were only for the ones i wrote

- You can't buy my Soul -
(in collaboration with  ixlovexsho  )
Sakuraiba, Ohmiya, Juntoshi

  (chapter 2) |
  (chapter 4) |
  (chapter 6) |  (chapter 8)

  (chapter 9)  ...
{go to  ixlovexsho's journal for more}


- Between Love and Friendship -
Sakuraiba, Aiba/Arashi

- Once Upon a Christmas -
Sakuraiba, Junba, Ohmiya

- World in Between -
Jun/OC, Aiba/OC/Sho, Ohmiya

- The Worst Birthday ever -
Sakuraiba, Sho/Arashi

 - Be my valentine, please? -

- Just my luck -
Sakuraiba, Aiba/Toma

- My new teacher -
Ohno/OC, Nino/OC

- Love or Jealousy -
Sakumiya, Sakuraiba, Matsumiya

- When I'm kissing you -

- Once in a lifetime -
Sho/OC, Aiba/OC

- Regret -
Sakuraiba, Junba

 -  Eternality -

- Perfect Present -

Spirit of the Fountain -
Sakuraiba, Junba


- 5 times Sho found Aiba crying and had to comfort him -

- 5 times Aiba fell asleep on Sho -

- 5 times Sho told Aiba that he was cute -

- 5ive -

- Loved -

! master post, ! fanfiction
