Episodes in Focus: Normal Again/Forgiving

Mar 18, 2012 18:16

It's time for some new Episodes in Focus. Next week we are looking at Normal Again and Forgiving. In which exactly what is going on is obscure to our heroes, but where we have some more of the answers . So from Monday your time, get sharing whatever you have to share on these get-you-shouting-at-the-teevee new Episodes in Focus.

Episode in Focus: Normal Again
So, Buffy, how's the post-afterlife-life working out for you? If you don't like it, maybe that's because it's not your real life. Maybe, all this time, you've been locked inside your head. Maybe there's no such thing as vampires. Maybe you don't have a sister (… again…). Maybe it's your friends who are the enemy, dragging you back into this place you called hell. Maybe that's your reality.

Scared yet?

Key quote:
DOCTOR: Buffy, it's all right. They can't hurt you here. You're with your family.
BUFFY: (tearful) Dawn?
HANK: (to doctor) That's the sister, right?
DOCTOR: A magical key. Buffy inserted Dawn into her delusion, actually rewriting the entire history of it to accommodate a need for a familial bond. (to Buffy) Buffy, but that created inconsistencies, didn't it? (Buffy staring at him) Your sister, your friends, all of those people you created in Sunnydale, they aren't as comforting as they once were. Are they? They're coming apart.
JOYCE: Buffy, listen to what the doctor's saying, it's important.
DOCTOR: Buffy, you used to create these grand villains to battle against, and now what is it? Just ordinary students you went to high school with. (Buffy staring at him) No gods or monsters ... just three pathetic little men ... who like playing with toys.


Episode in Focus: Forgiving
No more Holtz. No more Connor. The impact of last week's episode is rippling out across Angel Investigations, where Angel's in denial and Fred and Gunn are trying to help; across Wolfram & Hart, where Lilah and Linwood are locking horns, and across Holtz's former gang, where Justine is the one who's left behind, and in a very bad place. Not to mention Wesley, in a worse place still. Angel turns to some very, very dark magics to get his hands on Sahjhan, and we get our first view of the white room, and its creepy little occupant. Who's that girl? She's very, very powerful, and she hates chaos. We don't find out who she is, but we definitely find out about Sahjhan and his plans.

Key quote:
SAHJHAN Angel. I'm guessing I have you to thank for the whole mortal coil thing.
ANGEL Yeah. Tell you what, take me to the Quor-toth world, help me find my son -- we'll call it even.
SAHJHAN Really? You and me, buddy cop summer release? We iron out our wacky differences and bond? Don't think so.
ANGEL You're takin' me there.
SAHJHAN Couldn't even if I wanted to.
ANGEL You're lying.
SAHJHAN: No, that, I'm telling the truth about. Whole universe could go kaplooie. Bad for me, bad for America.
FRED So what are you lyin' about?
SAHJHAN Oh, well. I don't like to brag but... read any good prophecies lately?
GUNN You wrote the prophecies.
SAHJHAN More a re-write.


Still have something to share about last time's episodes, Hells Bells and Sleep Tight? You have another week's grace to post anything you want for these eps. We can always stand a little more of the good stuff!


prompts, 617 normal again, a317 forgiving

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