Fic: Rock and a Hard Place

Mar 17, 2012 09:27

Title: Rock and a Hard Place
Author: sparrow2000
Characters: Giles, Xander
Type: Gen
Rating: innocuous
Warnings: little bit of angst
Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant Enemy et al own all. I own nothing.
Summary: Giles contemplates his choices
Word Count : 1479
Beta extraordinaire: thismaz

I wrote this one back in 2008 for a tamingthemuse prompt because I wanted some closure on why Giles hadn't bothered to go the wedding. This is what came out. If it looks recently familiar, it's one of the fics I submitted to snowpuppies super feedbackathon, but since it's all about the aftermath of the wedding, I thought I'd go crazy and post it here as well.

Rock and a Hard Place

616 hells bells, fiction

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