Why do we love Sandor? I mean, he mocks Robb for being the warrior equivalent of an old maid at 14(when I was your age...*lol*), kills a kid and enjoys it, and lusts after a twelve year old girl. I love Sandykins to pieces but he doesn't look good at first glance.
So why do you like Sandor? When did you start liking him? And if you don't like Sandor, I'd love to hear from you even more.
I was probably prejudiced in Sandor's favor when I first read the series because the friend who introduced me to it loved him. I loved his "kid, you're 14, why haven't you killed anyone yet?!' attitude when Sandor is first introduced. Like with Jaime and Bran, I wasn't bothered by Sandor killing Mycah but that's my own damage and probably not a common opinion. And then I felt really bad for Sandor when he told Sansa about Gregor burning him.
I was never squicked by Sansa/Sandor and I don't know why. Instead I actually find it romantic. I think the fact that Sandor never actually tries to touch Sansa makes it okay. But it's really not; it's weird and downright disturbing for a 20something man to be attracted to a twelve year old, even in Westeros(ex: Tyrion protesting that Sansa was too young and then later being disgusted with himself for being aroused on their wedding night). Yet I love him. In love even, if one can be in love with a fictional character. Why, though? For the love of ASoIaF, someone help me understand why I want to have his puppies!