
Aug 02, 2010 17:16

Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Warning: Character death, unbetaed, failed

I remembered I was not born as an emotional boy. Since young, I almost never shed tears.


When I was in elementary school, I often did pranks and never cared about my grades. My parents and teachers scolded me harshly, but I never cried. Some of my seniors liked to bully me maybe because I acted like a boss of troublemakers and they got jealous that I had more ‘servants’. I got beaten almost everyday, but I still did not cry.

When I was in middle school, I got rejected by my crushes. I was truly hurt, but I wondered why no tears came out. When I finally fell in love with one of my female friends and broke up because she betrayed me, I felt pain all over my heart, yet I only got teary eyes, no cries.

I grew to be a cold hearted guy who even rarely laughed, got angry, or showed other emotions. The point was clearly shown when my parents divorced; I let out no expression, no protest, no care.

After the divorce, I entered a high school with dorms to live in, while my father kept sending me enough money. There I met Lee Sungmin, who was since young almost everyday shed tears.

This guy cried sad tears when he got bad scores and happy tears when he got good ones. This guy cried when his favourite teacher did not come to school because she was sick. This person cried happily when his best friend, Kim Ryeowook, finally got to date his long crush, Kim Jongwoon. This guy cried when he had nightmares. This guy cried when there were bugs on his desk. This guy cried when the dorm’s pet bunny died. This guy cried when he got surprised. This guy cried when he got snapped.

And all tears he produced were all real. He was naturally born veeeery very sensitive.

This affected me, somehow, because this guy happened to be my roommate and I didn’t like the fact that I was the reason of Sungmin’s suddenly increasing intensity of crying so I’d try to do anything that would not trigger the boy’s tears.

I stopped my cold attitude for Sungmin. I carefully chose words just when I talked to him. I stopped ignoring him. All only to prevent him from crying. Not that a crying Sungmin was annoying, I just did not like the sight of that pretty jumpy boy’s face wet with tears. Sadness did not suit a Lee Sungmin. You know, a feeling you might have if you see a diamond covered in mud or something like that.

And without realizing it, I had stopped my cold behaviour to everyone. Say, Sungmin had successfully melted my icy heart strangely with just his tears.

Days passed and we found out that we loved each other because I accidentally found a crumpled paper with Sungmin’s handwriting on it, saying a diary-like poem of how the pink boy had liked me and was too afraid to confess. After a shy clarification of ‘Kyunnie, I love you’ and ‘Hyung, I love you too’, Sungmin cried a single drop of tear, a happy one, and I somehow mused, how beautiful Lee Sungmin actually looked with teary sparkling eyes and a smile on his lips like that. We went out, and since then I made sure I’d make him always happy and wouldn’t let him cry a sad tear anymore.


I thought Sungmin would be the only one who was able to break my shell, perhaps I was wrong. Sungmin did, but not completely. The evident was one, whenever I felt stress and pain for remembering pieces of my past, I still could not cry.

“Hyung, why can’t I cry?”
“Huh?” Sungmin stared at me, confused and worried. “What do you mean?”

“I envy you, Hyung. You shed tears like everyday. By crying, you can let out your sadness, your extreme joy, your burden, your delight... I’ve got a not good past and I used to think that crying means I was weak, and look, now I forget how is it to cry...” No... I didn’t want to say this. I didn’t want to rant like this. It’s like I blamed him, and I didn’t want him to feel guilty or anything.

Sungmin wrapped me in a warm embrace. After a long silence, a soft sigh escaped his lips. “You really want to cry? If yes, I can promise you, I’ll make you shed tears in... two weeks?”

I frowned. What did he mean by that? But I didn’t ask, nor did Sungmin explain, and the topic was never brought up anymore until the next week.

“Kyu, I am going to visit my brother in Japan tomorrow,” told Sungmin.
I blinked. Japan? “Eh?! Why so sudden?”

“Not too sudden actually. This had been planned since about a week ago. Remember I promised you to make you cry? I was about to leave quietly and not in touch with you at all so you’ll miss me badly and... you won’t realize that this handsome face is already fully wet with tears!” He cupped my face lovingly, giggling at his own plan.

I chuckled. “Then why are you telling me this now?” Sungmin only shrugged cutely. “If you really do that, I will cry endlessly and go mad, Hyung. Forget that promise! Stay in touch with me and come back safely!”

He hugged me. What I didn’t know was that he quietly dropped a single tear on my chest. A sad one.


Two weeks since the promise was made, I did cry my heart out.

Cause Sungmin never visited his brother in Japan, instead he went to America to have a heart surgery. It succeeded, but fate was cruel. The plane which carried Sungmin back to my arms fell and none of the passengers survived. The day I received the news, tears flowed heavily down my cheeks, endlessly, full of regret and misery. Why didn’t I know that my lover was gravely ill?

You really want to cry? If yes, I can promise you, I’ll make you shed tears in... two weeks?

Hell yeah, Sungmin had accomplished the promise.


I remembered I was not born as an emotional boy. Since young, I almost never shed tears.
But Lee Sungmin had turned me into one.

I remembered forgetting how to cry. And Lee Sungmin had reminded me.

Now I didn’t know how to stop it.

I now became the crybaby, probably even worse than Sungmin used to be. Cause I kept crying everytime I remembered him. I cried when his name was spoken. I cried when I saw the dorm’s new pet bunnies. I cried when I saw Sungmin’s favourite places, favourite teachers, food, flowers, and other things he liked. I cried when I woke up and cried myself to sleep because I saw no sign of his presence on the bed next to mine.

I didn’t know and couldn’t predict when these tears would dry off, if these tears could dry off.

What happened to me afterwards? I became a cold hearted guy again, on the outside, but still, a crybaby on the inside...


kyumin, oneshot

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