Aug 02, 2010 17:36
I've been gone from LJ for about a week now and I miss my laptop so much *hugs laptop dearly*
It's not that I'm going anywhere, really, it's just... school. yes, school again.
cause studying in SMAK 1 PENABUR in science programme is no joke. If you're Indonesian you may know what kind of school it is. :( :( :( say, it's hell.
It's a total burden. Usually I'll have about three hours after school to play, but now I have to use them to take a nap because almost everyday I get a headache after school. When I wake up, take a bath, eat dinner, it's seven, I have to do homework, then study if there's test. When it's all finished, taraaa, it's eleven! I can still go downstairs to play computer, but then on the next day, I'll get that darn headache in the morning! *dies*
Maybe I'm taking this overly dramatic. Maybe I sound hiperbolist. T.T
Soooooo I'll be in hiatus again
for longer
maybe until Lebaran comes
or until I move to another school with lower standard
I'll just be a good silent reader like I used to be, reading fics in kyu_min via cellphone while dealing with my school.
personal entries