Thanks For Finding Me (2/3)

Jun 03, 2010 16:55

Chapter: 2
Pairing: Sungmin/Kyuhyun
Warning: girl!Kyu, probably grammar errors, might be confusing
Dedicated to my dearest sacheon dbsjdelight and my lovely friend vin11lover because in my previous fic, they said they wanted a happy ending~ so, here it is xDDD

Five years had passed and Sungmin had quite forgotten the incident. He remembered ever having an encounter with a little girl’s spirit, but he had already forgotten the girl’s name and face, how and where they met.

Sungmin was now an eleventh grader. He entered a high school of which specialty was the art and the musical. He joined the musical department and soon became the popular guy too there, well, he was always adored ubiquitous, wherever he was.

The musical department was currently busy preparing The Winter Musical. The story script had been written. The stage set up and the costumes had been being prepared for over a month and would finish soon. The last but the main problem was only to find the actors and the actresses.

Every single girl in the school all in one voice, voted for Sungmin to be the main male character. Sungmin himself felt happy to be chosen. He just discovered that he still had another talent, acting. The problem was that the main female characters couldn’t be chosen by the same way, because they were too many candidates. Every single girl in the school all voted for themselves.

The boy students gave up dealing with those insane girls. So they came out with one decision. They plastered the announcement in every place, which said:

We’re opening an audition to find the perfect lady for the main female character! This is held by the purpose of to get rid of those who only chase after Lee Sungmin! The details of the audition will be told soon.

All girls sighed, but they knew it was the only way. Sungmin was in contrast excited. He always loved watching auditions like that and found the bestest out of the best. Therefore, he even asked to the audition team to be permitted to be one of the judges. His wish was granted easily, because they considered that Sungmin himself was the one who could know which girl would be perfect to pair with him.


Sungmin was reading the dialogue script that he had to memorize when he heard some muffled voices. He found them disturbing his concentration, so Sungmin stood up and examined the bushes, wanting to tell whoever made the sound to stop. Then he found a girl sitting there, with a pile of papers in her hand. She looked surprise when Sungmin suddenly came like that.

The girl was lanky, pale, and beautiful. She was wearing a slightly different vest, which Sungmin recognized as the art department’s uniform. Sungmin too was surprised seeing that the papers she was holding were exactly the same as the ones he had in his hand. “What are you doing here?” Sungmin couldn’t help but asking.

“Not your problem. Now leave me alone,” answered the girl coldly.

“It’s my problem! You’re noisy and so disturbing my concentration.” She looked annoyed. “Are you practising for the audition, by the way?”

“No. It’s just for a theatre club I joined outside the school. You’ve got your answer so now leave, and I’ll make sure I’ll be quiet, okay?”

“Really? Where? If you’re interested in acting, why don’t you join the musical department? And, even if you’re in art, you can apply for the audition too, you know? Why don’t you?” Hearing the word ‘theatre’, Sungmin became interested and sat down beside her, asking abundant of questions. “Oh, how rude I am. My name’s Lee Sungmin, XI Musical 2. You?”

The girl was startled and blushed a bit. Of course, no one could control their heart beat when the famous Lee Sungmin was so close and smiling like that. Her made up cold attitude quickly went away. “Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun, X Art 1.” Sungmin wondered why the name sounded familiar. They talked a lot about theatre and acting until the topic ‘musical’ was brought up again. “Actually I would like to join if it was a play. But this is a musical.”

“Why? You can’t sing?”

“No! I can sing, very well indeed. But I can’t dance...” Kyuhyun lowered her voice, hanging her head down. “I’ve got a chronic heart disease since I was a kid. I’ll collapse when I move a lot. Musical needs a lot of dancing, and dancing means moving much, right? I watched HSM and asked my father if I could join a musical like that, they said no...”

Sungmin threw her a pitiful stare but a second later he chuckled and fell behind out of laughter. “Oh my, you’re really a talented actress! You almost caught me, you know?”

Kyuhyun pouted. “Aish. You found out this soon means I’m not good. Darn it,” she cursed.
“It’s because I act too. Others won’t find out, believe me.”

“Hehe, thanks. But it’s true though, that I can’t dance. My move is awkward and I can’t catch the rhythm.”

“I’ll teach you.” Sungmin offered his help. “Knowing that acting ability of yours, I need to force you to apply for the audition. If you pass, I’ll teach you dancing. The audition requires only singing and acting, as far as I know.”

Kyuhyun’s eyes sparkled. “For real?”

The boy stood up and gave her another melting smile. “So, see you at the audition, Kyuhyun sshi.”


They never met anymore until the audition’s day. Kyuhyun was shocked to find that Sungmin would be one of the judges. “I know you and I expect much from you. But don’t wish I’ll give you high score if you don’t perform well, understand?” Sungmin said through eyes and Kyuhyun surprisingly nodded, as if receiving the words.

Sungmin watched all performance very carefully. As everyone predicted, two third of them had no talents at all, applying only because they wanted to be Sungmin’s partner. The rest were good, although some of them usually were only good in acting or only in singing. Then it was Kyuhyun’s turn.

Her acting was good, like many others, but it was her voice that captured everyone’s attention. She sang ‘Thank You’ very beautifully. She had all eyes on her and most of the audiences gave her standing ovation when she finished. Sungmin wanted to do the same but being the judge he was, he had to conceal his amazement.

“Hey, what’s the title of that song? It’s beautiful.” He asked his judge mate.

“It’s ‘Thank You’. The song is quite old, actually. It was made popular of a boyband, I forgot the name.”

Boyband? Sungmin wondered why he felt like ever hearing the song in another girl’s voice.

“That girl sang way much more beautiful. It’s like I just heard an angel singing. And she’s pretty. I’m sure she’ll be very perfect for you in the musical, hey, don’t you agree?” Yesung asked his friend’s opinion too. Ryeowook nodded enthusiastically in full agreement.

Sungmin didn’t answer. He kept thinking of why everything about Kyuhyun seemed familiar to him. Other contestants performed in no particular way. Judges weren’t needed actually, because the result was obvious. All the audiences were sure that Cho Kyuhyun would be chosen.


“Oppa, I did it! You’ll really teach me dancing, won’t you?” Kyuhyun saw Sungmin sitting on a bench in the same garden as before and quickly approached him.

“Of course yes. I won’t let you ruin the musical just because you can’t dance!” He smiled. “Congratulation, Kyu. Why did you say you could sing very well while you sang so amazingly like that? I felt so inferior being paired to you, you know?”

“Kyu? Is that a nickname for me?” Kyuhyun frowned. Surprised look and blush could be found on her pretty face.

“Oh, sorry if you don’t like it. I don’t know why. Perhaps I have a friend back then named Kyuhyun too and I used to call her ‘Kyu’.” The guy reasoned, but he wasn’t too sure about it.

“It’s okay. It sounds cute actually. Don’t feel inferior, Oppa. Remember you are far more talented than I am in every field.” Sungmin grinned at the praise and led her into the school’s dance practice room to start teaching her.


The Winter Musical was a complete success. Many people came watching it and there were some who searched for talents too. Sungmin and Kyuhyun both got an offer to study abroad in musical school with full scholarship. Sungmin would go in this coming spring, while Kyuhyun needed to wait for another year, into a different school.

“So, we part here just like this?” Sungmin worriedly asked.
“Yeah. What do you mean by ‘just like this’?” Kyuhyun cluelessly asked.

Impatient, he smacked her head slowly. “Don’t tell me you forgot my confession! I said I wanted you to be my girlfriend if one of us got offers to study abroad, didn’t I?”

“Oh yes. If ‘one’ of us. You didn’t say anything about ‘both’ of us.”

“Kyu! I’m being totally serious!” The girl chuckled seeing Sungmin so emotional like that. The famous Lee Sungmin usually handled his feelings calmly, but eversince he met Kyuhyun, he often lost his patience. This sneaky girl always had her ways in making Sungmin frustrated, that was what everyone said about this loveliest couple.

“I love you but I prioritize my career, Sungmin Oppa.” Kyuhyun smiled but it wasn’t her usual happy smile. “I do like you too. But things can change. Let’s see what will happen later. Let’s keep in touch, shall we?”

Sungmin sighed. “Fine.”

Kyuhyun didn’t like the view of Sungmin being sad actually. Sungmin’s face suited smiles more than gloom. And for she loved him, she always wished the latter to be happy.

So Kyuhyun decided to sing. Sungmin always gave her smiles and stares of adoration everytime she sang. Fortunately, it also worked now. His lips formed a small smile and his arm moved to cuddle her, haveing her close. It was the least she could do though.


Sungmin was twenty three when he met Kyuhyun again. Both were now famous musical stars. They for the second time played in the same musical, being the main characters again. It was their first time acting in a big musical which would be aired in movies all over the world.

They didn’t talk too much. They needn’t sharing stories or anything because emails, messages, and even phone calls never ceased connecting them. It was surprising because the musical hadn’t ended yet the two had announced to the world that they were getting married.

“Oppa, after I marry you, my name will change into Lee Kyuhyun, right?” asked Kyuhyun innocently one fine evening. It was when Sungmin’s childhood memory was dug out again. Lee Kyuhyun, isn’t it the name of that ghost?

“I should tell you a little secret, Oppa, before we marry. I don’t want you to regret marrying a prankster like me.”

-End of Chapter 2-

A/N: I know this seems so rush. I have the plot but I can't write it well, so, sorry >__< I still love all comments xD

chaptered, kyumin

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