Thanks For Finding Me (1/3)

Jun 01, 2010 14:49

Chapter: 1
Pairing: Sungmin/Kyuhyun
Warning: girl!Kyu, probably grammar errors, might suck
requested by onetruemei

Let's pretend 'You, To Me' never existed okay? I'm sorry this ages late and if this is worse. First time writing this kind of fic, so sorry for the mistakes xp

Sungmin had just finished his martial arts practice at school when he heard sobs coming from the bushes. He felt slightly scared, but curiousity got the best of him. So he got closer and examined the bushes and found a girl sitting there, hugging her knees close.

Noticing someone’s presence, the girl looked up. Sungmin could see how her face was full of tears. He thought that she probably was just embarrassed to be seen crying so she hid in the bushes. But the girl suddenly stood up and tugged Sungmin’s shirt.

“Are you lost?” He couldn’t help but asking. But the girl shook his head. “No? Then why are you crying?”

“I… I played hide and seek with my friends. But I fell asleep… and when I woke up, it’s already this dark…” The kid brushed her tears with her sleeve in very adorable way. Ah, so she’s afraid of dark, Sungmin thought.

“Dear, dear, stop crying, okay? Oppa will accompany you. Where’s your house?”

The kid looked a little surprised, but she smiled happily. Her little hand then pulled Sungmin’s left hand, asking him to follow. The house was not too far from the school, but the street was literally dark and quiet. Sungmin himself would be a bit scared to walk alone there.

“Thank you so much, Oppa!” The kid hugged Sungmin in gratitude and entered her gate happily.
“Hey Kid, what’s your name?” Sungmin asked.

But he didn’t get the answer because she had already disappeared into the house.


Since then, Sungmin often felt like being stalked. Not that the stalker disturbed him. Being a popular boy, he was used to this. He was just curious if the stalker was that girl. Every time he tried to trap her, she’d always gone.

“Hyung, was there anyone behind me?” Sungmin whispered to one of his martial arts friend when he sensed that stalker’s presence again. Hangeng averted his vision, seeing at behind Sungmin in way very obvious that he was looking for something suspicious. Sungmin sighed. Of course the stalker would hide.

“Just the coach and Siwonnie, no one else, why?”

“It’s nothing. I just have bad feelings lately, haha. I’ll change first!” Sungmin entered the boys’ dressing room and changed his PE training clothes into loose T-shirt and shorts. When he washed his face in the sink, he felt it again. Sungmin quickly turned back, trying to at least know his stalker’s face. But there was no one.

Come to think of it, it was so unlikely if that girl was his stalker. First, she was still young, probably three or four years younger than him. She might not know who he was at all. Only his friends at school knew his multi talents and his lovely personality. Second, it was dark already. The girl should have been safe at her home now.

So Sungmin stopped thinking too much and continued washing his face. But at the school gate, he was shocked to find the same girl was waiting for him.

She was standing in front of the same bush, beneath the dim street lamp. Her hands were holding her blue skirt, trembling. Sungmin wondered if the gesture was also because of the darkness that surrounded her.

“Oppa!” She ran approaching Sungmin soon as she saw him. Without tears on her face, Sungmin was now able to see clearly how cute the kid was. When she grew up, sure she’d be very beautiful.

Sungmin ran his hand through her hair and asked, “What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you played and fell asleep again.”

“I didn’t fall asleep. I just didn’t realize time flew so quickly that it’s already this dark.” The girl corrected. “Oppa will walk me home again, right?” Sungmin smiled and nodded, making the kid delighted.

On the way, Sungmin initiated a conversation. He somehow wanted to know more about this kid he found to be so mysterious. “What’s your name, Kid?” He asked the unanswered question again. “And how old are you?”

“Lee Kyuhyun, eight years old. Call me Kyu, not Kid.” She protested. “And you?”

“Ah, we’ve got the same surname. I’m Lee Sungmin, eleven years old. Do you go to the same school with me?”

Kyuhyun fell quiet for a while. “Hmm, supposedly. But I don’t go to school anymore. I am sick. But I don’t know what my disease is. My parents never tell anything.”

“And you’re playing hide and seek with whom? Your friends from school?”

“Yeah. But they’re mean. They often insult me because I am sick. And when I hide, they leave me like I’m never part of the game. When I fell asleep, no one looked for me.” Kyuhyun sighed. “What would happen if Oppa wasn’t there? I’d cry alone all night most probably. Thanks for finding me, Oppa!”

“You’re welcome, Kyu. But I’m sure your parents would be very worried that their sick daughter was out until night. They’d find you soon, even if I wasn’t there.”

Kyuhyun didn’t reply. She only smiled, her face showing unreadable expression. She stopped walking. Then Sungmin realized that they already arrived at her house. He frowned. How could it be so much faster than before? Or he was too engrossed in the talk that he didn’t realize the time?


On the next morning, Sungmin felt quite relieved that he didn’t feel like being stalked anymore. But to be honest, he kinda missed those stalkers he once had. When Sungmin won the martial arts competition last year, suddenly he became popular. Everybody said he was handsome, strong, while still humble. Later on, his talents in dancing, singing, and composing songs were revealed and in instant time, he became the school’s idol.

He used to have many fans following to wherever he headed to. But he used to think that it was annoying and suggested them to stop. Finally the stalkers were gone, but in substitution, his locker was never out of letters and gifts until now. Sungmin never expected to miss those stalkers afterwards.

Sungmin was busy with his thoughts and when he realized he was walking in the second floor’s corridor, while his class was on the third floor. He quickly ran to the stairs, but he stopped when he saw the administration office.

“Lee Kyuhyun is… at third grade, right? Should I check about her?” A minute later, he found himself inside the office, reading the yearbook of last year while waiting the officer done with her call. I opened the fifth grade photos, laughing at my last year self who looked annoyed because two girls were holding my arms. Then I decided to see the second grade photos too. I flipped the pages over and over and frowned for I didn’t find Kyuhyun at all.

“Good morning, Mister… Ah, it’s Lee Sungmin sshi. May I help you?” The officer greeted him suddenly. She’d done talking on the phone.

“Uhm, I want to ask about a girl named Lee Kyuhyun…”

“Lee Kyuhyun?” The woman tried to recall the name. “Isn’t she the little girl who quitted due to her sickness?”

“Yeah. When did she quit exactly? Why wasn’t she here in the last year’s yearbook?”

“Hmm, wait.” She opened the drawer and rummaged through piles of paper, and took a map out. “H, I, L, Lee, Lee Kibum, Lee Kiseop… ah, here’s Lee Kyuhyun. She quitted in the middle of autumn. So, she wasn’t there when the yearbook’s pictures were taken.”

“Oh... What’s her disease anyway?”

“I don’t know exactly. I was told that there’s a cancer in her body which grows faster if she’s exposed to sunlight. Her parents kept her locked in her room, all day. Not knowing her disease, the girl one day escaped and played with her friends in the evening. When she hid in the bushes in a hide-and-seek game, her disease got worse and she collapsed. She was found dead in the next morning…”

“Wait… what? Dead?!” Sungmin interrupted. Did he hear it right?

“Yes, she died last spring. Poor girl… Oh, if I’m not mistaken, the bushes where she hid were in front of our school. People often made scary rumours that they often heard a girl’s cries there.” The officer added.

No way! Sungmin’s mind screamed. He just met her yesterday, and the days before. She’s so alive and real! Not believing the woman’s story at all, Sungmin politely excused himself back to his classroom. Teachers all reprimanded him for spacing out, but he did it again and again. He couldn’t concentrate on anything that day.


Sungmin didn’t have martial arts practice today, but he stayed at school until the evening. He wanted to see Kyuhyun again, to prove that she was real alive, not at all a ghost.

The school was already quiet when he decided to go home. He could hear some people still playing basketball in the gym, but there was no one in sight. That girl wasn’t standing at the gate like yesterday. Sungmin then checked on the bushes where he first met Kyuhyun, but she wasn’t there either.

“Maybe she’s not playing today. I’ll wait for more days. If she still doesn’t show up, I’ll just visit her house,” Sungmin decided, so he went home. And the next coming days, he kept going home late for the same reason.

It was on the fifth day that he couldn’t take it anymore. Sungmin waited until the evening again and when he didn’t find Kyuhyun anywhere, he headed to the house Kyuhyun said was her.

On the way there, Sungmin felt like being stalked again. He quickly turned back, but there was no one. The street remained dark and silent like he remembered it. He ignored it. But when Sungmin was standing before the street lamp, he could see a kid’s shadow on the road in front of him. He was sure the shadow belonged to Kyuhyun. Sungmin turned back again and still found no one. But when he looked at front again, he faced her.

“Sungmin Oppa… What’s Oppa doing here?” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“I’m just... wondering if what I heard is right.” He answered, hesitantly.

Kyuhyun walked closer and got a hold of Sungmin’s hand. “But I can touch you… They can’t see me. I can’t touch them. But you see me. I touch you…” She sobbed quietly. “I’ve heard people talking about me too. Be it right or not, I refuse to believe it.”

Sungmin lowered himself so that he was in the same eye level with Kyuhyun. Gently he brushed her tears up. “Do you think there’s something I can do? Like, to make you contented or anything so you can go to where you’re supposed to be?”

The girl blinked then laughed. “Oppa watch TV too much. I have a very contented life. I am cute, admit it. I have good voice. I am wealthy. I am…”

“You lie. You have them, but you’re not happy. Now look into my eyes and tell me what you want so badly.”

Kyuhyun gave up and stared right into Sungmin’s fox like eyes. She blushed a bit and stutteringly told him. “Ever since I still studied in your school, I have admired you. I joined the choir club too at second grade. You have a very beautiful voice, Oppa. I don’t really care about your other talents, I just think you’re great since the first and I like you because you’re nice. Besides, you’re so cute yet handsome. What I’ve always wanted are you to see me.”

“I’ve seen you now. I’m looking at your teary beautiful eyes.” Sungmin showed a gentle smile.
“I mean, I want you to find me. I want you to notice my presence, above anyone else.”

“Sing for me, Kyu.” Kyuhyun tilted her head, confused. “You want me to see you, so you have to shine so brightly that my attention will only go to you. Now sing with your so called good voice.” Sungmin explained.

The girl nodded in eagerness and started to let out her melodious tone. She sang the song ‘Thank You’ in very impressive way, making Sungmin stunned. He felt like hearing the angels’ singing live. When she finished, he quickly clapped excitedly and showered her with honest praise. “How dare you to admire me? It’s me who should admire you! You have angelic voice, Kyu!”

“Hehe, thanks. You know what I think now, Oppa?”
“Hm? What is it?”

“I feel so lucky. My friends all adore you and will trade anything to talk to you. Who knows that after I die I’ll be able to do so? I’m now talking to you. I’m touching you. I’m looking at you. I’m singing for you. And I’m being admired by you?”

“I wish you’d come to me earlier, though. I wish I could find you sooner, before you die.”

“It’s okay. I’ve been grateful already. I really have to thank you, Oppa. Thanks for finding me. I was serious when I said that I’d cry there alone all day if you didn’t find me.”

Sungmin stood up and stroke the girl’s hair lovingly. It pained him to realize that he had just formed a crush on someone whom clearly he couldn’t be with.

“Oppa should get home. You have plenty homework to do.”
“How do you know?”
“Oops, hehe, sorry, I’ve been stalking you.”

Sungmin was going to say, “It’s okay. I’m actually happy if you stalk me everyday” but decided he was too embarrassed to say so. “So, it’s really you, little stalker. Ah, by the way, are you really afraid of dark?”

Like just being woken up, Kyuhyun looked up and noticed the darkness around them and shivered. “I’m not! I’m just still not used to this kind of quiet creepy street at night! Ugh, I’ll go away now!” The elder laughed at her made up excuse and bid his goodbyes, without knowing that it was actually their last meeting.

Kyuhyun never showed up anymore since that, and Sungmin stopped looking for her. He thought, maybe Kyuhyun was contented already that Sungmin had ‘seen’ her. Maybe now Kyuhyun was in the heaven, singing along with the other angels and found her eternal peace.

He felt a bit lonely though, and slightly broken hearted. After all, he could say that Lee Kyuhyun was his first crush.

-End of Chapter 1-

A/N: Any idea why is she 'Lee Kyuhyun'? You'll find out, though ;) All comments are still highly appreciated :3

Additional fanart:

chaptered, kyumin

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