May 27, 2010 17:22
Personal Entries
If you notice, I've been gone since last week until June
It's been a week of exams. A week of 4 hours sleeping, a week of headache..
Finally, a break! I miss my laptop so much >___< *hugs laptop tightly like a mental retarded*
Fortunately, I did the tests quite well. I only suck in Sociology and Citizenship, because I'm too lazy to memorize TT.TT
It's not over yet, though. There are still History, Computer, Sport, and BIOLOGY (it's caps locked because it's the heaviest burden ever)
I'm so dead X.X
Well I'm not here just for ranting ^^
Just to tell you,
If you post something on kyu_min or you're in my friends list, I do read your posts!
but maybe I don't have time to comment
I will read every Kyumin fics, but I'll skip some NC-17, girl!character, OC, and chaptered fic that I've lost a lot
Please know that I still love you all~~ <333
*goes off reading Kyumin, Kurasu, and Itsusen fics*
personal entries