Thanks For Finding Me (3/3)

Jun 03, 2010 17:27

Chapter: 3
Pairing: Sungmin/Kyuhyun
Warning: girl!Kyu, probably grammar errors, might be confusing

A/N: This chapter mainly repeats Chapter 2, only this is in Kyu's side :)

Cho Kyuhyun could be described in three words: witty, sneaky, and snarky. Everyone wondered how she got that kind of personality. Her mom was very nice, caring, and a bit shy. While the dad was a singer and he preferred quietly listening to the music than minding others’ business. Her sister was smart, who was always found reading a book anywhere. But Kyuhyun was an attention’s seeker.

She played pranks on others and replied their questions sneakily, then felt satisfied if they blew up out of impatience or any other reactions similar to it. Was she just lonely? No one knew.

One day Kyuhyun heard her friends talking about a girl two years younger than her who died out of rare disease, and also that there was a rumour where her spirit was often found playing around the bushes. Curious, she collected much information about her. She was surprised to know that the dead girl shared the same name with her, except the surname. Out of nowhere, she got an idea.

After school, she always came near the bushes and made the sound of cries. Having a clear beautiful voice was a profit. And her usual snarky personality somehow made her able to act smoothly. She could shed tears in a minute and her cries sounded so real. It’s quite amusing to see even the scariest security at school shivered hearing them.

This prank slowly was getting boring, so Kyuhyun decided to stop soon. But then he came.

It’s Lee Sungmin, the school’s idol from sixth grade. Kyuhyun was shocked until she forgot she tended to scare him. What could she do anyway? He was her crush for quite long. Kyuhyun had always admired him, because of his almighty voice she knew for joining choir.

But prank is prank. Kyuhyun continued her acting and saw if she could trick him. Actually, she felt sorry for lying to him. Sungmin was so nice and humble, despite the all fame he had. It saddened her. “I wasn’t supposed to hope much. He knew me as a ‘ghost’ and the real me was no one. There was no possibility he would see me.” Kyuhyun whispered to herself and sighed.

Until he asked it. Sungmin brushed his hand on her fake tears (making her heart go wild) and asked, “Do you think there’s something I can do? Like, to make you contented or anything so you can go to where you’re supposed to be?” Kyuhyun’s jaws almost dropped when Sungmin asked it. What answer should she throw?

Kyuhyun for once seemed to stop acting. She said her life was perfect already, too bad Sungmin knew she was lying. So she said the truth, the real truth. Kyuhyun’s every dream seemed to come true when Sungmin asked her to sing. She had always wanted Sungmin to hear her voice, because, she wasn’t good in anything except singing.

His praise seemed too hyperbolic but Kyuhyun less cared. He heard me! Her mind shouted.

If I were a real wandering ghost, sure, I was completely contented, she thought. So Kyuhyun decided to stop those pranks. Sungmin didn’t look for her either. Kyuhyun stopped doing pranks and felt bored, but it’s okay. At least she could still see him sometimes at school, without being seen.


Five years later, Kyuhyun entered a high school which is well known for its art and musical departments.

Actually Kyuhyun wanted to take the musical department, because she loved singing and acting. But her parents didn’t let her with a reason, if she took it, the job would be around actress, acting teacher, or dub. While if she took art, she could be focus a singer, artist, craft maker, or even designer, depending on what fine art she wanted to take. And also she realized how stiff she was when it came to dance. So Kyuhyun decided to study art but she joined a theatre club near her house.

She remembered ever having a crush on his senior named Lee Sungmin when she was a fifth grader and tricked him with a made up story about ghost. But how and where, Kyuhyun had no idea. Until one day, her memory was resurrected.

It was the same way. She was inside the bushes, making sounds that made Sungmin came to examine. Kyuhyun quickly knew it was the same Lee Sungmin, because his face didn’t change much. Sungmin became more handsome, but he still had so much cuteness that maybe could never fade even if he had wrinkles in the next twenty years. While Kyuhyun was sure she wasn’t recognized. Her face and height had changed a lot.

Kyuhyun decided no to have business with him because she was afraid if Sungmin remembered her. So she tried to act again. Unfortunately, this time, Lee Sungmin didn’t fall. Kyuhyun couldn’t help but fell into the elder’s charm and chatted with him with her true self. She even dared to tell him her real name. The topic ‘musical’ was brought up again and Kyuhyun almost fainted when Sungmin offered his help to teach Kyuhyun dancing for The Winter Musical. Seriously, nothing could make her more excited.

Kyuhyun had deliberately sung the same song just to know if Sungmin would recognize her by that, but he didn’t. It’s okay, Kyuhyun thought. She was happy enough she could sing again in front of him. Seeing no one was worth called her rivals, Kyuhyun easily got the role and therefore Sungmin spent more time with her for practising dancing, acting, and singing.


“Tomorrow’s the day. Huff, finally! Do your best, Kyu!” Sungmin ruffled her hair lovingly and stared into her eyes. “There’ll be many talents seeker who would keep their eyes on us. If they think we’re qualified enough, they’ll offer us scholarship to study at international musical school and only a fool would reject it.”

“Wow! So we can play at international musical like HSM? Really?”

“Can you talk about anything other than HSM when I mentioned the word ‘musical’? Don’t ruin my mood, please. I’ve got something to tell you.” A confession, even a retarded could guess what he’d say. Kyuhyun’s heart had gone wild, but she kept her face clueless like usual. With Sungmin around, she finally managed to keep her feelings inside unless she would get embarrassed every second. “If one of us gets the offer and leaves, will you keep in touch with me? Can I tie you to be my girlfriend?”

“Aren’t you afraid that this confession will make me confused and thoughtful until tomorrow I can’t do my best?” She had tried to change the topic so she didn’t have to answer at the moment. As much she loved the guy, she felt it hard to have a long distance relationship.

Sungmin lost his calmness again. “I know you long enough to see that Cho Kyuhyun can have her full concentration only in acting, singing, and playing Starcraft. Now stop avoiding and just answer me!”

She had said “I really can’t answer now. Just let’s see if we get them or not and I’ll answer you” and it actually had given Sungmin small hope. How Kyuhyun hated herself for hurting Sungmin at the end. She always thought that the elder didn’t at all suit gloom and sadness. No, all girls at school might desire to kill her right away if they knew the popular Lee Sungmin was rejected by a girl whom if Sungmin didn’t find that day would always be no one.


Kyuhyun was twenty one when she met Sungmin again. Both were now famous musical stars. They for the second time played in the same musical, being the main characters again. It was their first time acting in a big musical which would be aired in movies all over the world, just like HSM.

They didn’t talk too much. They needn’t sharing stories or anything because emails, messages, and even phone calls never ceased connecting them. It was surprising because the musical hadn’t ended yet the two had announced to the world that they were getting married.

But before married, Kyuhyun decided to tell Sungmin the secret she had been keeping for years.

“No way! So you’re that ghost girl I met? You’re the one who stalked me for a few days in creepy way?” Sungmin reacted, utterly shocked. He slowly gained back his old memories when Kyuhyun told him her story. “So that explains why I seemed to have déjà vu around you. You sang the same song in the audition, right?”

Kyuhyun nodded, slightly proud at his creativeness in making pranks when she was kid. “I mean it when I said ‘thanks for finding me’. If you didn’t find me in the bushes that day, maybe I’d get bored with that prank and seek for another idea. But I stopped them right after. And also at high school, if you didn’t find me, I wouldn’t be who I am now. I’d still be no one, Oppa.”

“I’m glad I found you, Kyu. Lee Kyuhyun. Oh my god, how could you be brave enough to use a dead person’s name to trick people? What if she got angry and hunted you?” Sungmin pulled her body close and tackled her playfully.

“Whaaat? So Lee Sungmin believes in ghosts taking revenge like that?” She teased him.

Sungmin couldn’t believe he loved someone who could give him headache everyday and maybe a hypertension too soon. “Who made me, huh? I believed in ghosts’ existence because I thought I met one! It’s your fault then!” He yelled, earning gleeful laughter from his lover. “What if I said yes, you made me regret marrying such a prankster?” Sungmin threatened.

“No no no, I know you love me too much, Oppa~” She stuck out her tongue cheekily.

Kyuhyun couldn’t believe she was mean enough to love torturing the one she loved. She replied Sungmin sneakily then felt satisfied if he blew up out of impatience or any other reactions similar to it. Was she lonely? No. She just loved doing it.


chaptered, kyumin

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