For I Do Love You? (4/?)

Apr 29, 2010 20:01

Chapter: 4
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Kyuhyun/Seohyeon, Eunhyuk/Sungmin, slight Yewook
Warning: Incest (not blood related though), probably a lot grammar errors

Disclaimer: Some scenes aren't mine. I got them from a manga. I forget what the title is, but the author is Yagami Chitose if I'm not mistaken. Credits to her :3

POV: No one

It was almost late at night, but Kyuhyun couldn’t sleep. He faintly still heard voices from the next room. It seemed like Sungmin was on the phone with someone. Not that the noises disturbed him, Kyuhyun had his MP3 Player to block them, it was just unusual. Sungmin rarely talked on the phone. Even if he did, it was always with Yesung or Ryeowook, using telephone instead of mobile, and at evening, not midnight like this. Kyuhyun wondered who Sungmin was talking to.

He tried to hear the conversation clearly but he failed. The darn wall was too thick. He could only hear Sungmin’s giggles and chuckles. Could it be, Sungmin had a girlfriend? Kyuhyun thought. Somehow he didn’t like the idea ‘Sungmin having girlfriend’.

Still clearly plastered in his memory how Sungmin was always there to hold him wherever he went. When they were kids, Sungmin was like the hero for Kyuhyun. Sungmin often saved him from bullies using his martial art moves, and it was cool. But now Sungmin had changed into someone a bit too girly and gentle. To be honest, Kyuhyun was sad. It felt like as if Sungmin had chosen to leave Kyuhyun, to release his hold and go by himself to somewhere Kyuhyun wasn’t familiar to.


In the morning, Kyuhyun was awakened by his mother. So it had been two days since Sungmin stopped doing his ‘morning ritual’. Again, the boy was surprised to find himself missing that naughtiness of his hyung.

“Your hyung is absent today. He’s got a fever. That naughty kid, I’ve told him not to stay up too late just for composing songs. He has anemia, so he has to get enough rest, unless he falls sick. Unlike you who will go fine despite playing games until dawn.” The mother explained.

Kyuhyun frowned. Sungmin didn’t make any songs last night. Whoever phoned him last night was the one at fault, he thought. After showering, he proceeded to get into Sungmin’s room. There he saw Sungmin sleeping peacefully, face pale, body’s temperature hot.

“If I could I would choose to accompany you, Hyung. But Mom will kill me if I do. You won’t be pleased either, I know. So, sorry, get well soon, okay?” He smiled and moved strands that covering Sungmin’s face. “I’m off.”

Sungmin slowly opened his eyes. Actually, he was already awake since before. He lifted up his hand to rub the strands of his hair which were just being touched by his dongsaeng, then smiled slightly. “I never know he’s that gentle. So Kyuhyun still is a sweet boy, he hasn’t changed that much...” But then he was reminded at Seohyeon’s confession for him. “Will Kyuhyun succeed rejecting her? Hh, I really wish that Seohyeon girl won’t take him away from me.” He muttered quietly. Feeling sleepy and dizzy, Sungmin drifted off to sleep again.


Sungmin had dreamt of the worst nightmare. In his dream, Kyuhyun and Seohyeon were together. They were holding hands, cuddling, kissing, and walking away from Sungmin’s reach. And Sungmin was left alone. But it was just a dream.

The reality hurt still, though not as bad.

“Hyung, I can’t reject her. When I told her that I have no feelings yet, she asked for a month. If in this coming month she can make me fall in love with her, we’ll go on. If not, I can just break up. So I said okay.” Kyuhyun told him that evening. “That’s not a really bad idea, is it?”

“So now you get your first girlfriend? Congratulations, Kyu...”

“You don't look happy, why? You’re still sick?” Kyuhyun pressed his palm on Sungmin’s forehead, checking his heat.

Sungmin shook his head. “I’m fine. And I’m happy for you!” He faked a grin, but Kyuhyun knew him well enough to notice the difference.

“Hmm, I know! You must be sad, right? Do you feel like a mother giving her son to a marriage? I know you love this dongsaeng of yours that much!” Kyuhyun jumped into the latter’s bed and tickled him playfully. “Don’t worry! I’ll still choose you over anything. Hyung is always my preciousest treasure. And I’m not marrying so stop worrying, okay?” He hugged him dearly.

Suddenly, there were knocks on the door. “I’ll go get it.” Kyuhyun smiled and left. “You take a good rest, okay?”

Sungmin blushed, but deep down there he was sad. That was when Sungmin realised he was wrong.

He became upset with this Seohyeon’s presence lately; he thought it was because he was afraid of losing his little dongsaeng. He thought he was sad if Kyuhyun stopped relying on him and found others.

Both dream and reality had told Sungmin that he was simply in love with Kyuhyun, someone he thought he loved just in brotherly way.

A minute later, Kyuhyun came back, only showing his head from the slight opened door. “Hyung, your friends are coming. Do you want to welcome them or should I say you need a rest?”

“Who? Yesung and Ryeowook?”
“They said they are your bandmates, and there are three persons.”
Sungmin grinned excitedly. “Ah, the other must be Hyukkie. Haha, let them come, Kyu.”

‘Hyukkie’? Kyuhyun frowned. Is he Sungmin’s new friend? How close they are to call with nicknames like that? He became curious.

Kyuhyun’s frown got deeper as he saw how that Eunhyuk came running to hug Sungmin just when he opened the door. “Minnie, are you alright? Are you warm? No? Dizzy? I’m so sorry! It’s my fault to phone you last night. Why don’t you tell me? You could just hang up!”

‘Oh, so it’s his fault?!’ Kyuhyun threw a glare to him, but seemed like the monkey boy’s attention fell for Sungmin only. “No, it’s not your fault. My bad to be weak like this.” Sungmin giggled, clearly not blaming Eunhyuk at all.

Sungmin didn’t tell Kyuhyun to go away or anything, but the younger himself felt the need to get out. He decided to go down to the kitchen to grab some juice, feeling thirsty out of the sudden.

“Kyuhyun sshi, right?” A voice surprised him from behind.

“Um, yes? Yesung sshi? Ryeowook sshi?” Kyuhyun recognized both Yesung and Ryeowook’s voices only because when they phoned, Kyuhyun was usually the one who picked it up. They had never really met.

“Sorry if we’re wrong, but, by the look of it, you don’t seem to accept Eunhyuk...” Ryeowook started. “We are trying to match them together, because, well, it’s hard to find a guy with same sexual preference, have nice personality, and can get along with Sungmin that well.”

“Wait... what? Sexual preference?”

Yesung and Ryeowook looked at each other, thinking whether it would be good if they told Kyuhyun right now. “So you don’t know? Your hyung is a gay. I and Wookie are dating. Eunhyuk likes Sungmin. Sungmin is... clueless, like usual. So, would you cooperate?”

‘Sungmin Hyung is gay??’ Kyuhyun shook his head slightly, shocked. “I... need time to think. If you excuse me,” He walked towards the stairs and headed to his room.

Kyuhyun heard giggles and voices from the next room again. He didn’t know why, but his heart hurt, as if was burnt.

“Is it because Hyung never told me anything, that he’s gay and all? But when that boy Jungmo confessed to him, didn’t he reject him because he was straight? Or he used to be straight but now he’s not?” Kyuhyun whispered into the air, upset. “Or... Am I just afraid that Hyung’s love for me will decrease?”

Kyuhyun thought of another possible reason why his heart hurt, but he quickly swept it away from his mind. “How can it be? I have Seohyeon already...”

-End of Chapter 4-

A/N: Hehehe, don't kill Yewook, okay? Seems like this fic will end up like 'You, To Me'. I slowly lost interest in this. So, sorry if maybe (hopefully not) I'm not continuing this.

chaptered, eunmin, crossover: seohyeon, kyumin

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