For I Do Love You? (3/?)

Apr 25, 2010 17:11

Chapter: 3
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Kyuhyun/Seohyeon, Eunhyuk/Sungmin, slight Yewook
Warning: Incest (not blood related though), probably a lot grammar errors

Disclaimer: Some scenes aren't mine. I got them from a manga. I forget what the title is, but the author is Yagami Chitose if I'm not mistaken. Credits to her :3 (though I hope I take only prologue and epilogue, not the story)

A/N: Heheh, more characters~ Enjoy?

POV: No one

Kyuhyun awoke as he felt something moving near his legs. He threw out his blanket, expecting to catch Sungmin sneaking into his bed again. But he frowned when he found Hyaku, Sungmin’s cat, instead of the owner.

When he went into the shower, he repeatedly looked at the door, being prepared with shampoo bottles to be thrown if his hyung suddenly came in. But Sungmin didn’t. They didn’t meet only for about twelve hours and unexpectedly Kyuhyun had missed his presence a lot.

“Hyuuung,” When he saw Sungmin in the kitchen, Kyuhyun quickly ran hugging him. “I’m sorry for yesterday.”

“Kyu! Let go of me! You don’t want burned toast for breakfast, right?”
“Forgive me first, then I’ll let you cook.” Kyuhyun unmoved, whining like a kid.

“But you didn’t do anything wrong! What are you forgiven for?” The elder pouted. “KYUHYUN let me go!!”

“Do you have band practice today?” The younger still wrapped his arms around his hyung’s body from behind. His breath ghosted Sungmin’s spine, making the elder squirmed uncomfortably. Sungmin nodded once, still trying to focus on his cooking. “When is it dismissed?”

“Four thirty, like usual. Why?”
“I’ll go to your place, wait for you, then we’ll go home together, okay?”
“Why? Do you have something to do too until the time?”

“No. I just want to wait like what you did yesterday. To be honest, I miss going home with you. You always go to school earlier and go home later than me. I wish we could go back to elementary school.”

Sungmin smiled. He did miss everything too. He still remembered how they went to school and went home by walking together hand in hand on the pavement, sometimes singing random children songs. They must have looked idiot by then. “Alright. You’ve promised me! I’ll hate you for real again if you break it.”

“I know.” Kyuhyun released his grip and stroke his hyung’s hair playfully. Sungmin was a bit disappointed at the loss of warmth. He quickly fixed his now dishevelled hair, but then he realized the toast’s colour was nearly black.

“I DID? You’re the one cooking!”

Sungmin mournfully put the failed cooking to the plate and ready to throw it. But Kyuhyun rapidly took the toast before it fell into the bin. “Why do you throw it? It can still be eaten.”

“But you can get stomachache!”

“Burned toast won’t poison me, don’t worry. Besides, it’s your cooking! I’m happy you want to cook for me.”

The elder blushed slightly. He then proceeded to the refrigerator and took a strawberry milk box. “Well, I’ll just grab milk for breakfast. It’s six already, see you later Kyu!” Kyuhyun smiled and muttered ‘See you’ with his full mouth.


Yesung and Ryeowook were suspiciously suspicious all day. They kept giggling to themselves while looking at Sungmin and it irritated him so much. Finally, at the band practice, the couple opened their mouth.

“Sungminnieee! Guess what?” Yesung started.
“What?” The boy asked uninterestedly.
“On the next performance, on Valentine’s Day, we’re featuring Eunhyuk. He’ll do raping.”
“You mean rapping, Hyung.” Ryeowook corrected, giggling.
“Oh. Then?” came Sungmin’s short reply, still not responsive.

“Theeeeen,” Yesung smirked. Sungmin felt alarmed. “Eunhyuk here is not that hot but he’s hot! He’s skinny, cute, and he dances! I’m pretty sure you’ll like him!”

“WHAT?! Are you trying to match me with him??” Sungmin’s eyes widened.
“Of course! I can’t stand you being popular but lack at love life. You have to even for once feel what love is like!”

“So what if I’m lack at love life? And how can you match me with someone I’ve never seen? Bring him first to me, see if we can get along, after that, fine, do your work as cupid.” Sungmin didn’t even think before saying. He was too busy tuning his guitar.

“So you agree? Wow, I thought it won’t be that easy.” Ryeowook was so surprised to hear that. So was Yesung.

“I didn’t say I agreed. I was just...”

“Good afternoon, everyone! I’m Lee Hyukjae, or you can call me Eunhyuk!” A guy, exactly like Yesung’s description, came inside the music room with a gummy smile. Sungmin turned, slightly amused. At least he admitted, this Eunhyuk guy was quite charming. He had a friendly aura.

Everything turned out good, and Yewook were delighted. Eunhyuk and Sungmin really got along. They had many similarities in both interests and talents. In only ten minutes, they looked even closer than Sungmin himself to Yewook. They had even shared phone numbers, emails, and addresses.

Time flew fast until Sungmin didn’t realize it was four forty. “Oh shit. Guys, I’ll go home first!” He excused himself.

“Why are you so hurried?” Yesung asked, but the question was left unanswered because the said boy had run outside the room. Eunhyuk got curious and peeked from the window. He could see in front of the gate, Sungmin was talking to a guy with different uniform. They laughed together and walked away, cuddling.

“Who’s that?” He asked the two.

“Oh, he’s Kyuhyun, Sungmin’s younger brother.” They then told Eunhyuk how they weren’t blood related but so close like real brothers. “I think you don’t need to worry about them. Well, let’s go home.” Yesung tapped Eunhyuk’s shoulder. The younger nodded and prepared to leave as well.

“Hyung, why do I worry about Sungmin Hyung and Kyuhyun sshi?” Ryeowook asked Yesung as they walked home. “I mean, they really are so close, but more like husband and wife than siblings.”

“How do you know? We don’t even know a lot about Kyuhyun. What if actually he’s already got a girlfriend or boyfriend?”

Ryeowook nodded in understanding. But Yesung now doubted what he himself just explained. Ryeowook might be true. Who knows?


“Hyung, have you ever got a love confession?” While walking, Kyuhyun suddenly asked.
Actually Sungmin didn’t like this topic. “Yeah, why? Did you get one?”

“What?! You have?! When? Who? How? Where? Did you date? Why didn’t you tell me?” The younger threw a train of questions, obviously surprised and curious.

Sungmin chuckled. “What are you, to ask with 5W+1H like that? A reporter?” Kyuhyun only blushed. He mightn’t realize that he just asked that way. “Yes, I have. My first was when I was fifth grade. His name was Jungmo. Where? In the school’s back field. How? Just a simple ‘I like you’. I rejected him because I was straight. Why I didn’t tell? Because I thought you’d laugh at me for being confessed by a guy.”

Sungmin couldn’t help but regret that when he was still fifth grade, Yewook hadn’t contaminated his straightness. Jungmo was kind of hot, actually, and Sungmin admired him a lot. He could have dated him back then.

“Of course I won’t laugh at you. I’ve always known you are popular in both girls and boys because you have beautiful but handsome too appearance. And you’re nice...” The elder blushed at the compliment. “You’re right, Hyung. Seohyeon, the girl from yesterday, confessed to me earlier. I want to reject her but I have no reason.”

His smile faded and the pain came again to his heart when the girl's name was mentioned. He didn't know why, it just hurt. He almost forgot that his dongsaeng was straight, unlike him. “If you have no reason, why do you want to reject her?”

Kyuhyun’s gaze didn’t leave his hyung’s. “I don’t know. I not interested with her. I have no reason to date her too. I was hoping Hyung could teach me how to reject without hurting her heart.”

“Why don’t you just say the truth, that you have no feelings for her?” He suggested.
“Isn’t it harsh? I’m afraid I’ll hurt her. She’s a good friend.”
“I don’t know. It depends on how she takes it, right? If I were you, I’d be honest.”

Sungmin walked faster, leaving Kyuhyun behind. The younger understood that Sungmin wasn’t in the mood for talking about it more. So he shut up and ran to catch Sungmin.

-End of Chapter 3-

A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter ^^; I cut it this way because I have no time continuing it. This coming week is full of tests, so sorrry >__< All comments are still highly appreciated! <3

chaptered, eunmin, crossover: seohyeon, kyumin

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