For I Do Love You? (2/?)

Apr 21, 2010 22:14

Chapter: 2
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Kyuhyun/Seohyeon, slight Yewook
Warning: Incest (not blood related though), probably a lot grammar errors

Disclaimer: Some scenes aren't mine. I got them from a manga. I forget what the title is, but the author is Yagami Chitose if I'm not mistaken. Credits to her :3

A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter is shorter and repeats many things in chapter 1. But at least Seohyeon made her appearance now :3 Enjoy?

POV: No one

Like yesterday, in the morning Kyuhyun woke up with a scream.

“Sungmin Hyung! If you kept waking me up with that kind of way, I’ll soon die of heart attack!”

“Aw, sorry.”

“You don’t look sorry at all.” Kyuhyun snorted and threw his Starcraft characters printed blanket to Sungmin’s head. The elder only giggled, making Kyuhyun laughed as well. Sleepily, he took his clothes and proceeded to the bathroom, at least without bumping the door like yesterday.

“Don’t you try sneaking in again, Hyung. You’ll regret it.”

But Sungmin was born as a naughty kid so Kyuhyun’s threat wasn’t able to stop him. Teasing Kyuhyun was just fun. Too bad, this time Kyuhyun was serious. When he noticed Sungmin’s presence on the bathroom, he quickly grabbed the hose and successfully soaking him.

“KYUHYUN! Look what you did!”

“Hahaha, you better just get change. I don’t think it can completely dry in thirty minutes.” Kyuhyun looked satisfied with his ‘work’ and threw him a towel.

“Ugh, I hate you!” grunted Sungmin.
“Love you too.” The evil younger winked, glad to able to have a revenge.

The mother only shook her head seeing his two boys like that. Sungmin and Kyuhyun were moody with each others. Sometimes they chatted together merrily about random things until laughed so hard, but sometimes they tricked each other like that. But she knew very well that the two loved each other very much.


Today, it was Kyuhyun’s turn to go home late. He was selected to represent the school in Math National Olympiad thus he had additional lessons once a week after school.

Sungmin’s school finished earlier than usual because there the teachers had a sudden meeting. Yesung and Ryeowook took the day to treat their best friend on school’s cafeteria.

“Sungmin, you seriously need a boyfriend. You have to treat us back too!” Ryeowook brought up the topic again.

“What about Eli?” And Yesung cheerfully mentioned more available hot guys at the school. “Xander?”

“Stop it! I’ll find one by myself! Anyway, he doesn’t have to be hot, for God’s sake!”
“You can just pick, Min. Everyone wants you!”

“You make me sound like rare jewels or something.” He kept replying with random answer, trying to make the conversation not serious. He knew if Yewook really tried to be cupids for him, they would just bring troubles.

It was three thirty when the small party over, while Kyuhyun finished at four. Sungmin decided to come to his dongsaeng’s school and fetch him.

At four, Sungmin could see some students walking out to the gate. He waited patiently, until he saw something he didn’t like to see. A girl, with long hair, slim and tall body, walked out too while cuddling Kyuhyun’s arm playfully. They looked so perfect together. It somehow grew aches in his heart.

“Sungmin Hyung? Why are you here?”

The elder startled when Kyuhyun already stood before him. The girl had pulled her hand, and looked at him questioningly too. “We finished early and I just had lunch with my friends. I thought I’d wait for you so we could go home together. Sungmin explained, stutteringly.

“I am very sorry, Hyung. I’ve already promised to help her studying. She still had some problems in Trigonometry. I’ll be back maybe around six, so Hyung better go home know. Should I ask Henry to accompany you?”

“It’s okay, Kyu. I can study by myself. Your hyung has kindly waited for you, you can’t just tell him to go home like that! The girl shook her head. Sungmin frowned at how she called Kyuhyun by just ‘Kyu’. Were they really close?

“No. I’ve promised to you first...” Kyuhyun looked hesitant, but Sungmin knew Kyuhyun very much well. The younger would never break a promise he made by himself.

”Kyuhyun, you’ve promised to play with me!”
“But I want to finish this level first! I can’t just leave it now!”

“But you’ve promised!” Sungmin started to tear up when Kyuhyun’s attention didn’t move even for a second from his PSP. “Uh, I hate you!”

That was the first time the word ‘hate’ came from Sungmin’s mouth. At first, Kyuhyun thought that Sungmin probably didn’t mean it, but since then the elder ignored him completely. Two days passed and little Kyuhyun gave up. He apologized with tears on his face and after he played with Sungmin whole day, Kyuhyun swore to never ever break his promise ever again.

Sungmin now regretted teaching Kyuhyun so.

“Sungmin Oppa, I’m so sorry...” The girl now bowed to Sungmin, looked completely sorry.

“Don’t be. I’m fine going home by myself. And you, do you think how old I am to have Henry accompanying me home?” Sungmin grinned, ungenuinely. To be honest, he was sad. Kyuhyun used to follow him around, hold his hand, as if trusting his entire world into Sungmin’s. But now Kyuhyun stood by his own feet and for the sake of ‘not breaking a promise’, he’d chosen to leave.

Sungmin turned and headed home. Just after he took his first step, he heard faintly Kyuhyun’s friends coming and calling the girl with the name ‘Seohyeon’. Was she Kyuhyun’s girlfriend? Was it the time when Kyuhyun was no longer his? Sungmin felt much more tired than yesterday although he didn’t have practice or anything today.


Kyuhyun arrived home at seven thirty. He felt guilty towards his hyung. He didn’t know whether it was because he didn’t go back with him or because he went home much later than he said before.

“Umma, where’s hyung?” Kyuhyun asked his mother when he had dinner.

“He ate dinner then went straight to his room. After that, he didn’t show up anymore until now. Oh, I heard him playing guitar earlier! You know Sungmin always composes song when he’s upset, right? Maybe he is.” She said.

The boy now felt guiltier. He proceeded to Sungmin’s room to say sorry, but somehow he was nervous. He was afraid the elder would act differently, like to be angry, or to avoid him again, or anything he least wanted. “Hyung? Min Hyung?” There was no answer. Kyuhyun opened the door slowly to find Sungmin was asleep when composing again, like yesterday, but at least he’d changed his uniforms into his My Melody printed pyjamas.

“I am sorry. Forgive me, Hyung?” asked Kyuhyun quietly at the sleeping boy. He tidied the papers and had Sungmin safely beneath his blanket. “Sometimes I wonder why you’re sad, why you’re upset. You never tell me your stories anymore. I can’t understand you as well as you do to, Hyung. Not once I wish to become your guitar, or your favourite mechanical pencil which you always used to compose a song, or anything that you pour your feelings into...”

Kyuhyun stopped murmuring when he heard Sungmin’s soft breathing, calling his name unconsciously. “Ne? Who’s the one calling names in his sleep?” Kyuhyun chuckled at himself. He might have a mental problem for teasing someone sleeping so peacefully. “You sound lonely as well.”

Sometimes he cursed himself, for daring to show his care and concern only at night when Sungmin was sleeping like this. He had done this for times. Kyuhyun couldn’t help it. It was just embarrassing if the elder knew that Kyuhyun cared for him so much. “Sleep well, Sungmin Hyung,” he sighed and kissed the latter’s forehead sweetly, then went out of the room.

-End of Chapter 2-

chaptered, crossover: seohyeon, kyumin

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