
Nov 04, 2010 15:35

Work is slow. Really slow. Not a whole lot of customers AT all. I mean, "early summer" slow, only a month and a half until Christmas. Bleck. This'd be better if there were actually things for me to do, but I end up standing there, hovering over NOTHING. Or worse, getting "bullshit" work, like dusting. And I'm not allowed to sit down or anything, so I usually spend the slow moments contemplating on how my feet hurt. Here's to hoping this weekend will be faster, eh? I prefer being kept hella-busy because time goes by a LOT faster.

To which, that reminds me:
My dear Big Bang writers:

I have every intention of reading your stories once they get put up. In fact, I have every intention of dropping all mundane-stuff so I CAN read them. And be, "ZOMG! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!!" But I probably won't be able to read them until Sunday. In the morning tomorrow, I have to deal with taking my brother to a doctor's appointment, getting ready for work, and a washing machine repairman, before working in the afternoon-evening. And lucky me, after working the closing shift tomorrow, I get to open the store on Saturday. Thus is the life of retail.

(Somebody asked me if I've framed my diploma in a beautiful wooden frame and put it on the wall to show off my achievements. I very seriously replied, "No. It's still sitting in the envelope it came in, on one of the kitchen chairs, collecting dust." That's about as useful as it's been <3)

(I haven't whined about it yet: The elections were Tuesday. ... I hate Florida. HATE IT. I HATE THIS STATE. Pretty much everything I voted for lost, because Florida is swinging to a stronghold of conservatism and I'm a die-hard liberal. Ug)

ow, to-do list, graduation, hallmark, bitching

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