The Perk, Monday morning

Apr 24, 2017 03:17

After getting Hannibal's message about having a new child show up on the island, Karla had wasted no time chartering a portal to get to Fandom. Portalocity, however, had managed to waste plenty of her time, accidentally sending her through a portal with both a half-day layover and the wrong destination. While the dimension of blue had a very lovely Fandom, that was most definitely not the Fandom Karla had been aiming for. After yet more time arguing with customer service about whether or not this was the Fandom she'd intended all along and then a very long, personal groveling session when they realized which account they'd messed up, Karla was finally where she'd meant to be...two days late.

Back home, Warren was already pitching a fit in his polite and soft-spoken-yet-somehow-terrifying manner that involved a level of businesspeak and legalese that Karla didn't entirely understand yet generally made corporations roll over and show their stomachs. It was impressive and normally, Karla would have loved to watch. But she apparently had a daughter to meet.

Coffee anyone? she sent in a mass text to whomever she thought might be around.

[Open for fellow parents and small children alike! Pings to be picked up after I wake up, though SP through the workday.]

karla, hannibal lecter, perk, zack fair, leto atreides

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