The Perk, Tuesday During Second Period (11/20)

Nov 20, 2007 09:23

Aziraphale headed over to the Perk a little early to make sure everything was arranged for his class. By second period, there was a small group of tables and chairs pulled together off to one side, holding a collection of tarot decks, scrying globes, and teacups, along with a few handouts on methods of fortune telling ( palmistry, tarot reading, chrystallomancy, tea reading).

Each table also carried a small sign:
Prophecy Class Project: Free Fortunes.

He took a seat nearby to check off students as they arrived, and to answer questions as they arose.

[ooc: Prophecy Class meets here today for their class project. There will be a couple of threads for use by the class, and a thread for anyone who just wants to use the Perk for other needs.

PROPHECY STUDENTS: More details are in the OCD threads. This is not mandatory, but I hope most of you will choose to participate.

ANY character can come and get his or her fortune told. Just ping into the FREE FORTUNES thread under one of the students. Please wait for the OCD is now up, the class project is in session, and the Perk is available for use.

perk, aziraphale

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