Serenity Cove, Sunday morning

Mar 11, 2007 09:42

Poseidon was disappointed. His giant squid had fled after fighting several of the inhabitants of the island. Now he didn't have a giant creature to crush those who needed to be crushed. That was easily fixed, though. If he wore sleeves, there would be something up them right now. There is more than one giant, crushing fish in the sea, after all.

Poseidon raised his arms and shouted, "RISE, KRAKEN! COME TO YOUR LORD!"

Several moments passed without a kraken.

A mermaid swam up to Poseidon. "Excuse me, Lord Poseidon, but krakens aren't native to this area. You have to go farther south to find any."

"Oh," Poseidon said. He had apparently lost track of some things over the past couple thousand years. "Well, do we have anything else?"

"Well, we do have something that's almost a kraken, but I'm not sure it's what you're look--"

Poseidon interrupted, "Whatever it is, bring it forth! RISE!"

The sea foamed, water was displaced, all watery hell seemed to be breaking loose as it rose from the depths. And then, in its red and foily silver glory, it was there.

A giant Krackel bar was now in Serenity Cove.

"What is that?" Poseidon asked.

"Krackel. It's a candy bar," the mermaid responded.

Poseidon swam off, muttering something about how Odysseus wasn't as annoying as this place.

[OOC: Okay, that was my really, really terrible joke for the weekend. Back to slightly more sane stuff now.

Post is open if anyone wants to unwrap the giant candy bar and eat some of it.]

serenity cove

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