Fandom Post Office: Sunday (11/3)

Mar 11, 2007 20:10

Technically the Post Office wasn't open.

But when a building is up to its metaphorical eyebrows in water, with a quartet of merpeople discovering the joys of popping bubblewrap while two small seals juggle empty plastic boxes in the pond that used to be the first floor, questions of open and closedness tend to become moot.

Or so Moist thought as he watched the show from the second floor. To be more specific, he was perched on top of the railing that bounded that floor. The crabs - and their very large, very sharp claws - had convinced him perching was the way to go.

A sudden flashing glow spread out through the water, chasing everything but the crabs away. Seconds later, a loud, resounding BLOOP echoed through the Post Office, startling the crabs who skittered for cover, and a bubble shot up out the middle of the water, flew way up high in the air, then drifted slowly down to land on the table behind Moist.

"That was interesting," he said to no one in particular as he cautiously approached, knowing it had to have come from the Sorting Engine. The bubble had popped, leaving a large package sporting an ornate address label in its place.

Moist read it aloud, because that's what you do when mysterious packages present themselves for delivery. "Poseidon, King of Fandom and God of the Sea, The Castle in The Park."

Of all the days to be without seven foot of almost unstoppable golem. Moist shook his head and sat down to figure how best to deliver to a god, absently booting a crab across the floor and into the pond when it scuttled across his feet. Getting it there wasn't the challenge, he finally decided, it was getting out again in one piece.

[Not open, establishy only]

post office

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