Spy Tech, Class Six (02/14)

Feb 14, 2007 09:45

Wednesday, February 14, Period One

There are no Valentine’s decorations in M’s classroom (except for a pair of roses in a small vase on the desk). There is, however, a slide projected on the wall bearing a list of essay questions, and a stack of blue books on the corner of her desk.“Pick up a blue book on your way to your seat, and you may begin ( Read more... )

spy tech

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TAKE THE TEST mi6_m February 14 2007, 14:49:21 UTC
Post your answers here, or handwave the essays.


Re: TAKE THE TEST bound2blade February 14 2007, 15:31:35 UTC
Since the class had offered her experience in these things, Setsuna felt she had much more to say on the essays than previous homework. Much, much more. Her essays were detailed and descriptive, filled with lots of poorly-spelled but neatly written answers. If the long-windedness isn't a problem, she'll have done very well.

Question two definately covered the more traditional difficulties, with the addendum about how cold water turning you into a bird certainly didn't help, and for three, she chose shoes.


Re: TAKE THE TEST cantgetnorelief February 14 2007, 17:13:41 UTC
Anders was not only still emo as hell this morning, he was hung over as hell. So he hadn't exactly studied.

This led to essays that were somewhat . . . not essay-like at all.

1. Cameras serve a wide variety of uses in the world of espionage. Describe two examples of how photographic technology may be used by a spy. Include a description of the technology, how and why it’s used, and how it differs from the sort of photography used by the average citizen.

Making instant copies of documents. Your standard everyday camera's picture quality might be kind of crappy for this kind of work.

Doing recon of a building or something, for later on. You'd be pretty obvious if you were going around snapping pictures with a regular camera though, wouldn't you? So you'd need something small enough to hide but that'll still hold all the pictures you need.

3. Choose one of the following: shoe, hat, suspenders. Describe how the item chosen may be adapted to contain a concealed weapon.

You could probably convert the suspenders into a pretty long- ( ... )


Re: TAKE THE TEST mparkerceo February 14 2007, 17:40:46 UTC
Parker put a small bouquet of daisies on the edge of Anders' desk as she passed by, with a note: Because you deserve them, because it does get better, because you're my friend, because you're Daisy. Because. Parker.


Re: TAKE THE TEST cantgetnorelief February 14 2007, 17:54:54 UTC
Good thing Anders had pretty much finished as much of his "essays" as he was going to manage by the time he looked at the note, because he actually teared up a little bit right there in class.

Whether or not she liked it, someone was getting a hug later.


Re: TAKE THE TEST mparkerceo February 14 2007, 17:39:40 UTC
Parker's slightly hungover, though not as badly as Monday. At least she studied.

1. Cameras serve a wide variety of uses in the world of espionage. Describe two examples of how photographic technology may be used by a spy. Include a description of the technology, how and why it’s used, and how it differs from the sort of photography used by the average citizen.

Blacklight camera: a camera that can take photos under low light conditions, either from cover, for surveillance purposes, or inside installations where light would be noticed and reported, or investigated. Extremely useful for copying documents that must remain in situ and can not be seen to be disturbed.

Concealed, miniatured camera: one that can be worn as an item of jewelry, or small accessory, and thus allow for public photos to be taken inobstrusively in situations where the target would avoid being captured on camera. Also useful for reproducing documents that would not be permitted to be copied under any circumstances.

4. X-Ray Glasses are used by spies to ( ... )


Re: TAKE THE TEST misshargrove February 14 2007, 18:16:21 UTC
1. Cameras serve a wide variety of uses in the world of espionage. Describe two examples of how photographic technology may be used by a spy. Include a description of the technology, how and why it’s used, and how it differs from the sort of photography used by the average citizen.

A Zippo lighter color photo digital camera is small, lightweight, and totally convenient for the espionage specialist. It hides well, is inconspicuous, and the camera is built into a non-funtioning lighter. The photots can be easily downloaded onto a computer using a USB cable. An average citizen would have no reason to use such a device as it is a hidden camera, it is small, and it is made for only one purpose: For the spy ( ... )


Re: TAKE THE TEST dbiers February 14 2007, 21:50:17 UTC
D'anna turned in two well written essays. One on cameras, the other on shoes.


Re: TAKE THE TEST 2_twin_devils_2 February 15 2007, 02:00:58 UTC
Hikaru wrote two well thought out essays on cameras and water adapting.


Re: TAKE THE TEST weissguy_ February 15 2007, 03:22:54 UTC
Weiss took the test which is totally handwaved because his player is running crazy right now.


Re: TAKE THE TEST dorky_broots February 15 2007, 08:30:05 UTC
Broots did fairly well on the test, seeing as how it didn't have a practical component.


Re: TAKE THE TEST ranma_sao February 15 2007, 15:14:29 UTC
Ranma's handwriting is just bad. And if she can read the slop of letters she'll quickly find that his essays aren't very good any way. He wrote about questions 3 and 4, his creativity was a bit lacking but it was clear that he tried hard.


Re: TAKE THE TEST imac_kenzie February 15 2007, 18:45:40 UTC
Mac turned out two neat, well thought out essays. One on the use of cameras, and one about concealed weapons in shoes. When she doesn't actually have to do the espionage, she's perfectly comfortable. Theory, is the easy part.


Re: TAKE THE TEST sound_loyalty February 15 2007, 22:40:31 UTC
Kabuto wrote up something brief about adapting weapons to underwater work, and then answered question four with an explanation of his own glasses and how they held back his inborn power. Explaining what that power was, of course, wouldn't be relevant. But glasses do have an added bonus of making you look more harmless, which is an important thing when you're spying on people and don't want them to think of you as a threat.


Re: TAKE THE TEST cat_in_the_box February 16 2007, 06:40:10 UTC
Schrodinger turned in a pair of well written, well thought out, and very slightly disturbing essays.


Re: TAKE THE TEST bat_of_prey February 16 2007, 10:05:08 UTC
Barbara hands in two decentish essays. The one on shoes is better than the one on cameras.


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