Spy Tech, Class Six (02/14)

Feb 14, 2007 09:45

Wednesday, February 14, Period One

There are no Valentine’s decorations in M’s classroom (except for a pair of roses in a small vase on the desk). There is, however, a slide projected on the wall bearing a list of essay questions, and a stack of blue books on the corner of her desk.

“Pick up a blue book on your way to your seat, and you may begin the exam as soon as you are ready. Kindly make note of the homework assignment that’s due next week. Krycek, I need your written excuse for missing class two weeks ago before you leave class today.”

EXAM: Choose two of the following topics and write a brief essay for each.

1. Cameras serve a wide variety of uses in the world of espionage. Describe two examples of how photographic technology may be used by a spy. Include a description of the technology, how and why it’s used, and how it differs from the sort of photography used by the average citizen.

2. Discuss the difficulties in adapting items for underwater use in one of the following fields: transportation, weapons, or mechanics. Use specific examples, and offer possible solutions.

3. Choose one of the following: shoe, hat, suspenders. Describe how the item chosen may be adapted to contain a concealed weapon. (You may not use the example shown in class for this unit.)

4. X-Ray Glasses are used by spies to ascertain the presence of concealed weapons. Describe another way in which a pair of glasses might be adapted for use in espionage.

HOMEWORK: Write a brief essay on possible alternate uses for the wristwatch.

[ooc: Please wait for OCD is up, and class is in session.]

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