Dark Angel: Fishing at the Lethe

Sep 12, 2011 17:00

Title: Fishing at the Lethe
Author: spiceblueeyes
Fandom: Dark Angel
Work Type: Fic
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,156
Characters: Alec, Max, OC
Spoilers: For the end of the series.
Disclaimer: I don't own Dark Angel or any of it's characters. Missy is a character I created.
Written for: waltzmatildah
Summary: A new Transgenic shows up in Terminal City, and she recognizes Alec.
Warnings: Language and mentions of past torture and suicidal thoughts.

Link to Fic!

cause: somalifamine2011, author: spiceblueeyes, donor: waltzmatildah, fandom: dark angel, rating: r, type: fanfiction

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