Sep 17, 2011 19:31

Title: The Tenant
Author: anviloverheaven
Work type Fic (chaptered)
Fandom: BtVS
Characters: Buffy/Spike
Written for:ssddgr
Spoilers: None, AH
Rating: Eventually NC-17
Summary/ Prompt: She told me to write whatever I felt like. Then we played together, with this plot bunny:

In hopes of getting her fiancé to consummate their relationship before the wedding, Buffy convinces him they should check out the apartment her step father gave her as a gift for her upcoming nuptials. Darkness and privacy are supposed to work for her, but there is one parameter she doesn’t know about: the apartment is not empty yet, and the current tenant has no plans of moving.
Warnings: Sexual situations, brief and light Buffy/Other and Spike/Other.

Other chapters are here.

( Chapter 10 )

Not all chapters have been tagged, so for the next chapter you're better off clicking the "other chapters" link.

fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, cause: qldfloods2011, donor: anviloverheaven, rating: nc17, author: ssddgr, type: fanfiction

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