Supernatural RPF: hallway talk (Jensen/Brock)

Sep 09, 2011 00:08

Title: hallway talk
Author: cashay
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Wordcount: 5.361 words
Work Type: fic
Pairing: Jensen/Brock
Rating: NC-17
Written For: siiy
Warnings: underage sex (Brock is 17), light D/s, light bondage, teacher/student relationship, smut with some plot
Disclaimer: I own nothing & no one. This is a work of fiction and no part of it resembles the truth in any way.
After hearing Brock talk about the things he wants to do to him Jensen tries to avoid his student which in the end leads to the confrontation he had tried to avoid and the carrying out of Brock's fantasies with a little twist.

follow the fake cut to my journal

donor: siiy, cause: somalifamine2011, rating: nc17, author: cashay, fandom: supernatural, type: fanfiction

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