Fandom Radio -- Saturday, November 13th

Nov 13, 2010 23:30

Deadpool: I better get booze for all my work here. I could be... elsewhere. Doin’ important stuff. And things.

Ghanima: Like singing the Dora songs?

Deadpool: ...Don’t make me stab you.


Deadpool: So... over at the school we had Blackbolt, getting his meditation on. Away from Medusa. For the good of all involved. Yikes, man. Yikes.


Deadpool: And speakin’ of kissin’ cousins! Nico and Luke talked about flirting with Percy and how Nico can avoid it. Jaime was all brooding loner on the roof until Kyle showed up and ruined it. It’s okay, Jaime. Just do a Christian Bale voice and tell him that he’ll never work in this town again. God damn lighting techs. Always ruining a good scene.

Ghanima: You have a strange and worrisome fascination with cousins, Wade. You might want to get that looked at.

Deadpool: They actually are! I’m not even makin’ crap up here! Percy was in his room practicing his swordwo--aw, man! Why did you write that? No one needs to hear about this! Jeeze, squirrels. Brain bleach. Kate trolled the internet for either porn or cute things. You be the judge. Then, Bod showed up and there was talk of mini-me. Awkward. Gabrielle was busy in the stables, hookin’ up with Faramir until Maladicta showed up to drag him off to parts unknown. Ooo! Scandalous! I approve. Our not so benevolent Disney overlord got a very official letter from home and... Ahh, ruined the scandal, man. Faramir ends up getting stuck in Maladicta’s room and then flirty. Where’s the drama? The teenage angst?

Ghanima: ...are YOU going to be the new student counselor to deal with all the drama and angst?

Deadpool: ... I smell a sitcom!

Ghanima: I don't need to use prescience to forsee a disaster.


Deadpool: Jaina was a grumpy mcgrumpenstien over at Caritas. As ya do. Aphrodite was busy calling up Tweety in her hotel room as well. The more you know!

Ghanima: No, I don't know. What is a Tweety?

Deadpool: A very bouncy blond chick.

Ghanima: That's half the island's population.

Deadpool: ...true. Damn it. I knew I shoulda paid closer attention!

Ghanima: Also at Caritas, Cally came in asking for a light beer, and explained she wasn't getting drunk because of her son, and Jaina was jealous that Cally hasn't been affected by the sex pollen. John Sheppard wanted to know if Jaina had hooked up with Tino -- no, thank goodness, because Jaina has sense. Things got awkward quickly from there as to the status of their relationship.

Deadpool: Which is different from normal how?

Ghanima: Remember how a few moments ago you were bemoaning the lack of drama and angst? Well, there's your daily dose. Miss Solo, Mr. Sheppard, don't make me summon both of you to my office, because I will do it.

Deadpool: Kiiiinky.

Ghanima: WADE.

Deadpool: ...Sorry, I was waiting for theme music. No? Damn.

Ghanima: Jono was taking his kitten for a walk in the park this morning -- I did not know you could convince a cat to walk on a leash -- where he ran into a shirtless Jacob Black and they discussed the week. Shunsui was reading aloud from his newest romance novel at Turtle & Canary, much to Apu's chagrin. Karla worked out in the Preserve, where she was found by Elphaba and her droid-baby, and John Watson -- good evening, doctor -- had a date at Taste of Thai. I guess it balances out all the chaos of the dorms?

Deadpool: And that’s all they wrote, folks! Remember to tip your waitress!

deadpool, ghanima atreides

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