Fandom Radio, Friday, November 12

Nov 13, 2010 04:13

Good evening, everyone. I hope you're all having a good a safe, non-disease spreading way, of course. I suppose I'll find out if you are in a minute here, won't I?

School News

At the What it Takes to Be a Badass class, Loki was nowhere to be found, aside from a note telling the students to sit and wait and not leave, which most of them did. While they waited, Quinn and Alexander talked about how annoying this wek has been. Just remember, this will pass, just like everything else here does. In the end, it turned out that Loki was outside, to see if anyone left the room.

The Science of Deduction class had to deal with Sherlock demanding a cigarette from them, ot else he would fail them. I suppose he wanted some kind of evidence--

*excited chittering*

Oh. Ooh, he needed a post-coital cigarette? This week is hitting everyone hard, isn't it? The TAs were a little horrified by Sherlock's request, but Sherlock was quite happy with how things turned out.

In Demolition and Dynamite, Kukaku had everyone making low-impact smoke bombs that don't damage anything but, as it sounds like from the name, give off smoke when they go off. The students got to work, and when they were done, they played Hot Potato with their bombs. It's nice to see some classes managed to maintain the status quo in the face of the current insanity.

George was in the library, having some trouble focusing on the books. Over by the offices, I was working on paperwork when I received a visit from Karla, and Sherlock and Kukaku were spotted, uh, by the janitor's closet. After having been inside it. I don't know why I just tried to cover your indiscretion, you're both adults. I'm too kind sometimes.

The Apathy Club met, as usual, and today's message from George Lass seemed to be that men are scum. Oh, that's not true about all of them. Teenage boys are a... special brand of men, you'll see when you get older. Squall's twin droid babies started crying at George's ranting, and he got to explain that no, he can't hit them with a hammer to get them to stop crying. And this is why I advocate protection every time the island makes people horny. Rosalind was amused by George's rant, and George was annoyed that Rosalind didn't support her, as a fellow female. Everyone had a chance to vent their hatred for males, which Squall protested, obviously, and which Jono got around by offering George his kitten, and getting her to admit that male kittens aren't so bad. Ah, small animals, what can't they fix?

The Dealing With Loss club also met, much to the frustration of a very distracted Ben, who admitted he hadn't been able to think of a topic for the week. Cally tried to find the bright side of things and said that at least the honesty didn't last all week, which Karla agreed with, as do I. Elphaba also had her droid baby with her, and declared this to be the worst week ever.

For the record? When you all say things like that, the island likes to find new ways to mess with you. Consider that your warning for the week.

Dorm News

Jacob was whittling in his room, and got a visit from Raven, who came by to check on him. They ended up having a talk about werewolves, demons, and then werewolves again. In the fourth floor common room, Cloud was watching Deadliest Catch, and in the third floor common room, Chuck was trying to keep his attention on his comics, for all that was worth. Ariel came in, insisting a little too hard that she's doing just fine, and when Chuck told her he got sexiled from his room and slept in the common room, they built a pillow fort together. Leia also came in, thanking Chuck for letting her have their room, and made him flaily by running her hands through his hair. I'd discourage that, but it sounds so adorable that I just can't.

Town News

Warren and Karla got a room at the Arms Hotel, for studying and homework purposes, I'm sure. Ghanima went to the Perk in search of tea, and met up with John Watson who was, surprisingly enough, also looking for tea. They ended up talking about their jobs here, and Ghanima's eyes.

Hope was doing some massive cleaning at Turtle and Canary, Kyle checked on something at the junkyard, Ben was fighting to stay focused at Fixer-Uppers, Cally was relaxing with some spider solitaire at the MCA, Arya was doing an inventory check at Coyote Medicine, Shunsui was working on his romance novel at the park, Mary was dealing with the bad vending machine at The Arms Hotel only spitting out condoms now, and Harper was daydreaming at Things Reborn. Aphrodite was reading terrible fanfiction at Dite's Decadent Delights, and Cloud and Max both came by, curious about what she was reading. Sophie was in a bad mood at The Fourth Dimension over what's been happening this week, and she got a visit from Ino, who was equally angry about being influenced by the island.

John Watson was studying hormones and pheromones at the clinic, and Jessica was eyeing Tino at Caritas. Hayley came in and said hello to Jessica and Hinata, and Jaina came in, complaining about how this sort of island thing isn't supposed to last so long. Scully came in with her droid babies, which caught Bruce by surprise, until she explained that she's pretty much taking care of them on her own, and Jessica by enough surprise and/or annoyance that she tried to convince Scully to leave. Hinata and Jessica said hello, and Bruce got caught up with Hayley and how her trial went. He also flirted with Jessica, and Aphrodite came in too, to get a drink to deal with a bad day.

And that's all the notes I seem to have tonight. Take care, everyone, and remember: protection, protection, protection. It's good for your sakes, and for mine.

zoe winchester

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