ooc: call for broadcasters!

May 01, 2016 09:37

Time again for the most nervewracking time of my semester: the call for broadcasters!

Beginning Sunday, May 8, anyone who's interested gets their shot at an audition broadcast (meaning that they’ll do a recap for everyone to read that goes up sometime before noon Eastern time the next day (So the Tuesday broadcast covers Monday's news)). You're also free to sign up if you want to do radio just once. If in the increasingly rare case of more broadcasters than days in the week, we'll put it to a vote and let the players decide. If you're currently a broadcaster or recapper, your shift continues until the new schedule/tryouts start.

You can also sign up here to be a radio squirrel! We need help in gathering the day's links for the broadcaster to... broadcast, and so if you'd like to be squirrelly, this would be the place. As a reminder, we always need squirrels so people don't tire out recapping everything, and without them, radio doesn't work, so if that feels like something you might want to be a part of, please sign up!


Signups have taken a huge hit over the last few semesters, and not to get too PBS pledge drive-y, but we need participation to keep going. The more people sign up, the less work there is to do, and right now I'm not in a position where I can pick up the slack as much as I have been. So if you can help at all, you will have my undying gratitude.

These'll be open till about 5 pm CST on Saturday, May 7.

call for broadcasters, internal radio stuff, ooc

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