Morning, Fandom. This is Gwen with my very last broadcast here. It should be really super obvious why when I tell you what happened at graduation.
First up in not caring about graduation news,
Hannibal had tea time with cats, which I'm going to imagine is an actual tea party with cats sitting around the table because it's funny,
Jono dealt with candy-themed music at Groovy Tunes, and >
Jalian was building things without supervision at Stark Industries. Also
Dante went to graduation but then ditched out halfway through to go to Candyworld. Smart man.
And then there's graduation. Which
started out normal, with
people showing up to watch us get our pieces of paper that don't really mean anything and are pretty much just symbolic, and we all had to do the
dumb walk while in caps and gowns, which means we all looked like dorks but dorks that accomplished something.
Edward was impressed at Face's ability to wear robes, which might mean he actually didn't look like a dork? And
Alana and Four discussed ceremonial bloodletting, don't listen to that, Aunt May, it didn't happen. There were speeches from
Principal Winchester and
Dean Skywalker, and
Alana>, and then we all got our
diplomas, which was cool right up until we had a bunch of
spaceships coming down and we had to
shoot at them while the
audience watched. And then we won and
Aunt May asked when I can leave.
So I'm out. Packing up, and I'm out of here before the probable alien invasion next week. Peace out, Fandom.