As most of you saw yesterday morning, the island was
vandalized with glittery spray paint slogans overnight by the enterprising Ms. K. [Kenzi's last name], which is an excellent way to boost everyone's spirits if it doesn't get anyone killed. Ms. S.Z. Zahar
suggested her own slogans to paint. Because she apparently wants to get killed too.
Mr. S. [Sparkle's last name ] was looking for a snack at J,GoB, when he spotted that Ms. S. Z. Zhahar was injured and
went to bandage her -- well, that's one deterrent from pastries. Meanwhile, Mr. R. Frog was
singing with animals in the preserve.
The main activities were at a certain well-known location, where Mr. A. Wiggin
made plans for the weekend. He was visited by
Mr. J. Reyes, who is tired and agrees with A.W. that this weekend is time for all or nothing.
The most alarming news came from
Ms. K. Gregson, who reported being hit by a Loyalist sonic taser. She had no further details about the weapon to give Mr. L. [Squall's last name], but she was able to tell A.W.
that the blast lasts long enough for someone to wind up in detention. A.W. also offered L. [Squall's last name]
a drink for his dog and tried to rally him for this weekend. Ms. A. Korlov
offers 'stupid ghost tricks' to help, explaining to A.W. exactly what those might be.
Mr. R. Ryan also pledges his allegiance to our side, always heartening.
Ms. P. Halliwell the elder and Mr. S. Nast had a quiet chat in a warehouse.
Things at the bar were quiet.
Your humble correspondent was there, as was the
estimable Mr. Coulson. I planned; he mostly drank.
That's all for today. And please, if you still have no clue what will happen this weekend, ask someone.