(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 11:25

Gakked from dontscrewmeover.

Look at your LJ "interests" list. If you have fewer than 50 interests, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five interests, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five interests, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly what it is about these things that interests you so much.

The interests are Berserk, Drew Goddard, Ghost in the Shell, Jude Law, Pirates of the Caribbean, Samurai Champloo, The L-Word, and writing.

1. Berserk

I haven't ranted about it enough already? Ok. Berserk is a work of art. The manga even more so than the anime. It's an epic tale, with incredible characters. The manga starts off with some incredibly dark insight into Gatts, before going back to his past to figure out how he got there. You see him with the Hawks, and it's fascinating (because Griffith is fascinating, and all of them very endearing), and it's somewhat light. Well, ok, perhaps not light, but well... things are going well. And then Gatts overhears a conversation, and everything goes to hell. (Literally? Heh.) And after that, man, you understand why the Gatts that we saw at the very beginning of the manga was such a dark, angst-ridden, leave-me-alone, don't-care-about-anyone-or-anything guy. Except then things happen, again, and it's not even that simple anymore. It's genius.

2. Drew Goddard

Drew. Heh. It had been a while. Let me just select a few reasons among the very many I have.

Because he gave us Selfless, a spot-on Anya-centred episode, for his first Buffy job.

Because the episodes he wrote in AtS S5 stand out, imho - notably my two favourites, Damaged and Origin.

Because his Marshall-centred ep in Alias rocked.

Because he's such a fan (of Buffy).

Because he's an amazingly talented writer man-god!

3. Ghost in the Shell

So, I haven't seen the films yet (though the first dvd is now waiting on the shelves, yay!), only the series - the Stand Alone Complex.
And, why? Because it asks very interesting questions, and doesn't give you definite answers. Because the characters are very appealing - Bato and Togusa first, but also the Major, and even minor characters that we don't see for long, or the Laughing Man. Because there are stand-alone episodes which don't even seem that interesting at first, but as the series advances even those become damned interesting and give you more insight into the characters. And because their greatest success, imho, is the Tachikomas. Because man, how they annoyed me to start with. But by the end? I cried for them.

4. Jude Law

Because he's not just good looks (although he's that all right), but he's also an excellent actor. Dickie in Mr Ripley, Gigolo Joe in AI, that repulsive killer in Road to Perdition, Stephen in the Wisdom of Crocodiles... He's good.

5. Pirates of the Caribbean

Do I even have to explain? First off, Captain Jack Sparrow. Then, the whole cast (with a special mention for Jack Davenport). Then, the script. Then, more specifically the dialogue. Then, the music. I mean, seriously. This is one of the best blockbusters I've ever seen.

6. Samurai Champloo

Well, I haven't seen all of it yet, but I intend to do so in the upcoming few months. Because of the characters, really, it's as simple as that. Fuu I don't much love yet, but I absolutely adore the dynamics between Jin and Mugen. Mugen does seem to be a less elaborate version of Spike Spiegel, but I've only seen seven episodes so I'll let him off the hook and hope he gets developped. Jin, now, with all the hints at his past that we've got so far, stands on his own as a potentially so very fascinating character. But really, its the dynamics between them two that gets me.

7. The L Word

Ok, so... hot girl-on-girl action.
No, I'm kidding, it's not just that. It's also that some of those characters are plain hot very appealing - I'm serious here, all joking aside. Ok, so I can't stand Jenny (who can?) but Shane, Carmen, Alice, Dana, all those girls and then some... And the few guys, too - Tim, then Mark (misguided, but I love him), Lisa too (yes, Lisa's a guy). And Ivon! And because the show asks some very legitimate questions.
So yes, they're all pretty and rich (or, well, mock-poor - as in they make an issue of the rent but still wear three new outfits in each episode), but it's American television, and it's Showtime. So I overlook that because it's expected, after all, and instead I care for the characters and the issues they raise.

8. Writing

Because before I knew fanfiction, I already tried my hand at some stuff, though it sucked something fierce. Then fanfiction came along, and my writing still sucked. But then I met interesting people who helped me get better, and now I'm just not as bad anymore. Because I gotta keep getting better. Because writing, well, I need it. I'm fascinated with story-telling, no matter what form it takes, only with my personal skills, it's gotta be writing. Because there are some characters I just wanna write about, though they're not mine, and there are some stories I really want to tell, even though they are mine. Because it's a valid form of expression, and it may sound pretentious but I have things that I feel should be said.
And also because sometimes, it's just plain fun. But sometimes it's hard work and you wanna give up, except then you get an epiphany and things click into place and man, is it worth it.
Because I wanna make people think, and I wanna make people feel.
Because I just love writing.

memes will feast on your soul

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