"Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times."

Sep 14, 2005 19:10

Just back from Shane Black's Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Am crushing on Robert Downey Jr more than ever. Have updated my list of characters that are why I love Val Kilmer (in a non-lusting manner) - it now contains Madmartigan and Gay Perry. Kept seeing Liv Tyler each time Michelle Monaghan was on screen. Loved her character, that said, for once the pretty lady had some brains. Adored the breaking apart of clichés, again and again. Was entirely too amused by the use of some clichés. Witnessed the A Knight's Tale fan in me do a somersault (a figurative one, mind you) when Shannyn Sossamon's name appeared in the credits, since I had no clue she was in there, and thoroughly enjoyed the ten minutes during which she was on screen.

But, really? The acting, the writing, the directing. Pitch bloody perfect. It kinda makes me not wanna see Revolver, because after how much I loved Snatch I don't wanna be disappointed by Guy Ritchie but I can't see how it could be better than Kiss Kiss, sorry.

I loved it from beginning to end. People, go see it. Now!

Also, we watched Ghost in the Shell (the first film). It was pretty good, but it doesn't rival with the series imho. I just think they could get somehing better out of the format of a series than out of a film. Doesn't mean the film was bad, on the contrary. I still immensely enjoyed the Major/Batô interaction and relationship, for instance. I adore Batô. Seriously (though I adore him more with long hair!).

I seriously need to do myself a Kiss Kiss icon. Yesss.

films, anime/manga

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