Aug 23, 2006 10:52
Elle dreams in Japanese! Seriously, my wife was talking in her sleep and it was in Japanese!! I knew she spoke the language, but didn't think she dreamt in!
Our holidays and weather include Ride The Wind Day, Vulcanalia (Roman Festival dedicated to Vulcan ... never would've figured that out), and weather expected to happen. In case of no weather existing, please hold your breath as the loss of atmosphere is likely to kill you otherwise. Thank you.
Tom Cruise is dumped by Paramount (finally) due to his TV antics.
Turner Broadcasting is once again going through the classic Warner Bros. and Hanna-Barbera cartoons to modify or remove any that contain smoking scenes. They'd previously done this a few years ago modifying or removing the cartoons that had excess violence.
My big question is why mess with the classics, seriously? If children back then weren't affected by these cartoons, what's wrong with the children of today that they are?!? If they can't determine the difference between cartoon actions and real actions, they shouldn't ever be let out into the world at large... ever!
This new "modern morality" is replacing parenthood, or simply giving parents an excuse to not have to ever deal/talk/teach their children a damn thing, effectively throwing them to the wolves... no wonder crime is up dramatically!! It's not the movies, TV, music, teachers, or cartoons, you damn assholes, it's you! And don't go thinking your religion/beliefs will save everything, look at the "War" in Iraq... and yes, it is about religion as well as money/oil!
*deep sigh* a goddamn worldwide tragedy and it's today's parents, religious leaders, and political leaders that are f'n things up big time... sorry for the rant, but I got pushed too far on this one. Forgives! See what can happen when I'm pushed?!?
-t. Wolfox sR Rhose
pushed too far,
music (not metal),
other beliefs,