Taking a shit never felt better!

Jun 26, 2008 09:13

Ive always wanted to take acting classes. I wonder where I could take some? Any suggestions? I think it would be a lot of fun. I wish my life could just be about me taking classes. Dance classes, painting classes, acting classes, and even some boxing classes. Id be such a well rounded person. lol. Wouldnt that be the life? But seriously, anyone know where I can take some acting classes? I really want to take one.

This year Im gonna just do it all. Taking all the risks and going for it. That girl Tuly died last week and she was only 20. You just never know when your last day will be and honestly, Id be pretty ticked off if I died tomorrow. Id be up there kicking and screaming saying "Baby Jesus, I wasnt ready!" So Im doing it all. At least trying it. Whats the point of life if you arent living it?

I start dancing lessons in August. Im super excited about that. Cant wait to start. Ive been wanting to take dance since Middle school. Dont know why I never did. I think I was embarrassed, maybe. I dunno. Or just too cool since I was in guitar. Mrs. Houghton. I miss that woman. I wonder how old she is now. I mean, she must be old and sick. I remember she would smoke cigarrettes like the french and cough up a lung every five seconds. Sad. I hope shes still alive a strummin.

I want to travel this year. I want to go soemwhere, take a vacation you know? Maybe a cruise. I want to see nature. Like, Yosemite! Ive been dying to go for YEARSSSS. And then seeing Sasha's pictures only forced that idea even more. It just looks beautiful.

There's this cocksucker at work named Alredo. Hes the kind of guy that rubs your mistakes in your face because he has some chip on his shoulder about life and how much his sucks. He likes to make everyone miserable cuz he is. Yesterday I scheduled 3 appointments for installation. We can only take 2 a day but the 3rd one I wrote down, I was under the impression that the agent was going out of town and leaving the car here so we can get it down by the time he got back. But for the first time in a LONG time, I misunderstood, the agent was in fact picking up the car the same day. No biggie though, because we have 3 techs who can help Mike, the main installer, finish all 3. Alfredo is a lazy ass. He sneaks his way out of any work he feels he might be asked to do. So knowing that I was the one who scheduled the 3 cars, he comes to me yesterday and says "Um Cary, you scheduled 3 cars and Mike was pretty upset that he had so much work to do. You shouldnt schedule more than 3 cars because Mike cant do it all." At first, I felt bad because Mike is a friend of mine at work here. Hes this super liberal, cool white guy who saves every penny he has, goes fishing on the weekends, and has a pretty wife who owns her own little company out of their homestead home. A true American guy. Anyway, so when I saw Mike I told him that I was really sorry for the mix up, that I was confused with the agents schedule and he tells me "Im not upset Cary! KNowing I have 3 cars guarantees me 8 hours of work, I love that. Alfredo is the one who was upset this morning because he knows he had to help me." We started bad mouthing him for about 10 minutes after that. I couldnt believe that he would make up Mike being upset at me when it was really him. Today he tried the same move but this time using Chris, my boss. He's such a little fucker. But w.e. Im guess were gonna have to set more appointments for Alfredo. Ha! Idiot, doesn the know Im the one whos in control of that??

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