Ostento et Dico

Mar 08, 2008 23:37

You have uncovered a directory and accompanying map etched into the green wall.

Scanning the listed titles, two choices appear closest to your location.

To stop at the first, “Early Impressions,”


[Page 5]

You find some Shark Food.  Nothing heavy, sadly, but it's free.  You grab the package off the table and open it.

Back in Scarlet Spiral, I didn’t know much about the Narutoverse. You peeps made these characters real to me.  Made me realize that yeah, even the littlest guys in the manga/show have stories.  Genma and the thing with the hands?  Inspired.  (Absolutely a brilliant touch,

*clears throat*  Anyway, let’s move on to s’more honest retellings of my experience with your writing, this time in FL… continuing from where I left off spamming your guestbook.

'Prefer in FL' - Consistency & Maturity, cont.

"I'm hoping the individuality and uniqueness of each character is still shining through, but adding something, rather then detracting from the whole."  -

Yeah, both the How and the What of your writing improved, but your unique styles, and your unique characters, are by no means getting lost.  Rather the opposite.

Unique characters...  Which reminds me what stuff had gotten lost when I posted that 'Prefer in FL.'  I wanted to discuss the characters I liked better!  So...

Early Impressions: Kakashi and Ginta

First time here, reading Kakashi and Ginta threw me off kilter.


Why?  Kakashi was totally different - went from shy and morose in Spiral, to rude and prickly.  Ginta?  It was the icons. XD.  On recognizing the Bleach villain, I couldn’t relax enough to take him at face/written-value for the longest time.  (Too uneasy, too jittery, wondering if sadistic evil was going to pop out from behind every smiling action to eat Kakashi’s face- *cry!* The high blood pressure was totally my fault.  I’m all better... >.< )

Thankfully I can appreciate Ginta’s and Kakashi’s personalities on their own now, or I’d be missing out on stellar additions to Fallen Leaves.  This edgier, more biting, young-Kakashi feels good, feels real, like I’ve probably met someone similar.  Ginta is so energetic but sharp.  Their first mission together led to amusing results…


-Kakashi is doing well with a number of characters.  He's had memorable bits with Ryouma, Tsume, Haruichi, Sumire, and Itachi, as well as on his own focus piece.  ("Thicker Than Water" with Genma & Raidou is shaping up to be very shiny, but I want to concentrate on it elsewhere.)

-Ginta is doing especially well with Ryouma.  I'm loving their past relationship and how they 'play' together.  Seeing each as the other's foil brings up different aspects of their personalities.  Ginta's first conversation with Tsume, mentioning kids etc., also brought up points that interested me.

Turn to Page 38.


To continue on the path to, "Shiny Moments,"


[Page 38]

Something glitters on a pedestal...  Pyrite.  Ah, well, fool's gold is still shiny.  You reach to pick it up, but Oops!  You stepped on the wrong stone!  How silly of you!  The ground shakes, dislodging a giant boulder six inches to your left...

Which does not run you down, but only shifts to the side to reveal a recess where a modern lockbox sits open.  'Is this supposed to be security?' you ponder, peeking inside.

Shiny Moments

It’s a new section!  Similar to “Kodak moments,” but with more variety and no commercial overtones.

It includes:

-What shiny moments this little packrat would love to collect and take back to its own lair, which are very similar to,
-What shiny moments struck me like metal from the sky when I was reading.  Struck me and stuck with me.  Then started talking over my shoulder in their own (surprisingly humanoid) voices.


The What:  #00 - Taisei, Genma, and…

" 'Can I come in? It's raining and darkish, and I thought you wouldn't like that, so I brought you these.' Taisei grinned even more brightly, with the hopeful look in his eye of a child offering his mother the mud pie he'd slaved over, and held out a basket containing at least a dozen small light bulbs."

The Why:  Beyond the obvious sweet-craziness of the moment and Genma finding himself utterly taken in…? ^^  I have a fondness for light bulbs.  (Even wrote a story called, “A Lightbulb Finding Gold On the Highway.” >.> )

Now that you have a warning taste of how my brain functions in relation to writing, on to pick #01 from Fallen Leaves!

#01 - After Touch

(Genma and Raidou link hands.)

"Raidou held on long enough to see Genma’s eyes close.  Hear his breathing deepen and even out, slowing into a peaceful rhythm.  He held on long enough to watch over his friend as he finally let go without ever loosening his grip.

"Genma slept.  Raidou was just a pace behind."

- from “It Takes A Will of Iron”

WHY:  Raidou repeatedly defines himself as Back-Up.  In this moment, he is doing whatever piece of this duty, his duty, that he still can, and he's willing to hang on past the edge of exhaustion for this small act.  It's a gorgeous illustration of Raidou’s character and his commitment to his partner.

Additionally, it reminded me of all the times I’ve done silly little things, if only to redeem myself in my own thoughts.  Very hard to shake out of this Shiny Moment’s grip.  It just kept whispering…

(Point of Reference. You may suspect my mental health only when I claim the Patterns are Speaking to me.)

That's it's for today, folks.  Tune in next-

Random Misfiring:

-Hey, the new kids are attracting attention, making waves.  In fact… If this RP were a pool party, Ryouma just did a cannon-ball, Tsume just shook her hair dry next to the sunbathers, and Ginta just stole somebody’s shorts.  Erm… Not continuing that line.  O.o

-About suicide teeth.  What happens if the person gets his jaw punched hard enough to knock loose or break that bitter tooth?  Did you have to have a tooth knocked out in the first place to make room for the false one?  How often is the cyanide pill replaced?  Could you get mint flavored vitamins instead?  O.o

You have reached the end of this path safely.  Return to your favorite directory and give it a big hug.


(Edited for Doing Stupid Things.  Predictions made of further Stupid Things appearing.  Comments enabled.)

shiny moments, dico, cyo-style, impressions, misfiring, vivo

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