This entry ought to have been completed and posted mid-April. Much FL-glee and Ryouma-loving was intended.
My apologies for dropping off the face of the planet, instead.
Still, as ever, my best wishes go out to everyone and their loved ones. (And Happy Birthday wishes to Dark!)
-Your Errant Reader
Dear Journal Reader,
Hope you're doing well!
With my White Day weekend came the realization that Fallen Leaves has planted roots in my brain. (Considerin' everything, this realization was somewhat slow in the comin', yes.)
Late night IM conversations can be great for fic plotting, (as can writing by light of infomercial), but generally it produces insanity. During this particular instance, my friend decided we would visit the zoo the next morning. Because this was actually an early morning IM, I fretted about not waking to the oh-so-gentle aural ministrations of my alarm.
At which point tasers were suggested, their merits debated, and a decision reached: NOT a pleasant way to meet Consciousness.
Of course it had me thinking of poor Kakashi the whole time, (chakra jolts). And cringing for the both of us.
The next day I attended a quilt show with the same friend, who had the nerve to mention fanfics while we browsed. It, uh, spiraled from there. Thus I find myself asking here, what colors do you associate with your characters in Fallen Leaves? >.>
After the quilt show was a dice quest. While in a small game shop, listening to geeks at the tables, (finding once again that D&D and RP intrigue me), I heard this voice...
GM: Your last move succeeds, Ladaymyst. You may pick a character.
Ladaymyst: I'll pick on- *tosses d20* -Ryouma today.
GM: Very well. Roll for initiative...
Character Name: Tousaki Ryouma, Don't-Ever-Touch-My-Stuff-&-I-Decompose-Bodies-Before-They're-Dead
Also Known As: Coyot, Dragon man, My Li'lest Pet Rookie
Level: Jounin
Class: Ninja
Species: Wookie ANBU Rookie
Alignment: Konoha's Hokage
Str: 14
Dex: 18
Con: 20
Int: 14
Wis: 17
Cha: 20
Based off these Ability Modifiers, the Initiative value and the Saving Throws (Fortitude, Reflex, Will) are also high. Ryouma tends to get himself out of tough spots.
Concentration (CON) - Very useful powers of.
Gather Information (CHA) - Just has to charm someone for it, then file it away in that awesome memory.
Handle Animal (CHA) - Seems to do especially well with canine and lupine varieties.
Knowledge (Worldly) (INT) - Keeps an ear to the ground and himself up-to-date.
Listen (WIS) - Even if he's ticked off.
Move Silently (DEX) - Ninja. When he isn't throwing spoons around.
Sense Motive (WIS) - Who needs telepathy?
Survival (WIS) - Has a masters in it. Working on a Ph.D to spite the world.
Read/Write Lang. - Working on it.
Treat Injury (WIS) - Really OUGHT to be working on it.
Defensive Martial Arts - Tsume's helping him to work on it, (also helping him work on his rotted-body odour.)
Campaign Feats:
Brawl: Street Fighting - Top brawler at what age?
Cautious - Gained from a lifetime of danger.
Combat Expertise - ...Check!
Combat Reflexes - One sharp cookie. (Or would he prefer to be sharp pie? O.o)
Confident - Yup, got that vibe.
Dodge: Agile Riposte - In battles, and battles of wits.
Endurance - Got that, and soldier pills, and the ability to withstand soldier pill overdoses.
Run - Got this one down pat, too, thanks to his sensei and Kakashi.
Toughness - Wouldn't be successful as a meringue pie.
Talents/Special Abilities:
Flesh Melt - Lots of melt. Lots of rot. Lots of eww. Great for messing with people in messy ways.
Supreme Charm - A more pleasant-smelling, and nearly as effective, method of dealing with others.
Traits, Personality and History:
Ryouma is first introduced as the type of speedbump who refuses to lie down. I learn such things from his first thread as: he likes pie, color, And he might be slightly psychotic/neurotic/obsessed/.
Initially, I was wary of him. Could this be the introduction of a secretly psychotic character to put Raidou, Genma, and everyone on their toes? By the end, however, I was inclined to think he was all right. And could still put them on their toes, if he so chose. ^^
Comes across as grounded
Predictions and Plot Threads:
At this point the voice cut in,
GM: Ryouma wins the initiative using his special skill, Supreme Charm. You give up this bout to sing his praises and tell tales of his feats around the campfire.
Ladaymyst: Whu- huh...?
Brought back to reality, I found I'd printed a paperback's worth of Ryouma material for Read&Review purposes, and that a month of my life had gone by without requesting proper leave of absence.
I'm relieved to report my printer has recovered well, and we are both ready for the next project. (Possibly quilt blocks.)
Best Regards,
Your Reader
*Through the Glass is a section focusing on a specific character in a useless manner. (Shoot me if'n I try this again.) What type of magnifying glass the target is being observed through is personal choice: microscope lens, periscope lens, binoculars' lens, teloscopic sights, drunken glasses... However you see fit. ^^
Disclaimer: MIstakes in d20 style are highly likely. *sweatdrop* (Comments and corrections welcomed; threats returned to addressee as undeliverable.)
Tags: d20-style, DearDiary/letter-style, impressions, Through the Glass, question, quilt