318 - What does your future look like?

Jan 24, 2010 12:41

Pretty gloomy, actually. I mean, I'm a Slayer. The Slayer of this generation, the one that caused all sorts of probs because it's what I do best. I don't know; it just seems like it's my fault.

You'd think people would be grateful to be Slayers, but it seems really? Not so much.

I look into the future and all I see is death. My death. It's bound to happen; most Slayers don't seem to live past their teens. I'm in my twenties now, so I'm practically ancient, although technically with the whole having died twice? I guess you could say I didn't really make the cut.

The future for me is death, slaying vamps, stopping demons, not really having much of a social life, no marriage, no kids, no normal life. All the stuff I wanted and tried to have back in Sunnydale, but the Scoobies split up and went their own ways.

I think they all got to have their own normal lives, love lives, whatever. Plus? No death lingering over their heads anymore, really.

I hate having a lifespan like some ticking clock, waiting for it to go "ding" or whatever to let me know that it's over, thanks a lot for all the hard work, you're done.

Also, next Tuesday, there's supposed to be some sort of weird ritual thing going on in Los Angeles, so I've got myself a date. After seeing Sherlock Holmes, because Jude Law is totally hot.

So, movies in my future, too! Go me?

Muse: Buffy Summers
Fandom: BtVS
Word Count: 253

theatrical muse, scoobies, slayers

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