"That's so cool!"
Buffy looked over to Xander and frowned. "No. No, it's so not cool. Definitely of the uncool variety. Why would you think it's cool?" She was tempted to tell him to go out and buy some donuts for the rest of the Scoobies.
"Because!" He pointed to the book he was holding while the rest of the gang ignored him and kept researching in the school library, "You gotta admit. He's a monster, yet also a singer. He's a singing demon! There could even possibly be dancing involved."
Anya looked over at the picture and wrinkled her nose. "Oh, I know that guy. He's not that great. Very much into the child-bride bit."
Willow took her book and placed it carefully on the table. "Considering you're, oh, a couple thousand years older than Xander and also a demon planning on going to Prom with him, I really don't see how you can talk."
"I talk fine," Anya pouted. "Why do people think I don't talk fine? I'm a good talker, especially considering that I'm newly human."
"Please," Giles nearly begged, "can we get back to figuring out what the Mayor's plans are? I think I'm getting a headache simply from listening to you all squabble. Xander, go and fetch us some donuts."
Buffy smirked, head resting on her hands, and tried not to laugh. "Yeah, Xand."
"But there's a spell! And a happily ever after, and..."
Buffy waved a hand dismissively at one of her two best friends. "Yeah yeah, blah blah blah. Don't think of doing the spell. The last thing we need is the Mayor and Faith singing and dancing because of some demon in town." She paused and tilted her head. "Okay, Faith singing might actually be cool."
"See!" Xander flailed his arms, then sighed. "I'm going to go get some donuts."
As he left, Buffy smiled and kissed Angel. "Is the singing-thing a big deal with vamps? Or is it only a demon gig?"
Angel coughed once and looked down at his research book. "Must be a demon thing."
Muse: Buffy Summers
Fandom: BtVS
Word Count: 346
OOC: This prompt reply is not specifically show canon, and any muses used in the ficlet are not in TM presently.