Title: Lavender and Rose
fajrdrakoFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen Cooper/Captain Jack Harkness, Jack/Others
Rating: G
Form: Drabble (100 words)
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Cross-posted to
my Dreamwidth account,
my Livejournal account,
The Torchwood 100, and
my fanfic journal.
Lavender and Rose
Gwen lay on a bed at Torchwood, relaxing beside Jack. It wasn't cheating on Rhys if they didn't touch, right?
"Tell me about the women you've known," said Gwen.
"Starting with Boshane? Later? There was this Time Agent... with lavender eyes. Gorgeous."
"Alien bimbos? A thousand sexy encounters?"
He chuckled. "Is that disapproval, Cooper?"
No: envy. "What about love?"
"I love you and Tosh. Before that... a woman changed my life. Saved my life. Remade me."
"A human?"
"An Englishwoman I met in World War II. Rose. Her name was Rose."
"Yeah, she was."
Lucky Rose.