Title: Lists, Practical and Private
fajrdrakoFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/IantoChallenge:
challenge: listsRating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Cross-posted to
my Dreamwidth account,
my lj,
tw100, and to
my fanfiction journal.
Lists, Practical and Private
Ianto liked lists; they made him feel secure, and served him well at Torchwood. He made his lists carefully, methodically, and frequently. He had personal lists ("Suits Jack likes") and professional lists ("Things pterodactyls won't eat").
He never showed them to anyone. But Jack could move quietly, reading over a man's shoulder. Jack was dangerous.
"Ways to fuck Jack," Jack read aloud. Ianto could hear his grin. He crumpled the paper.
"If you ask nicely," he said casually.
Jack's lips met the back of his ear. "I have a list of my own."
"Show me," said Ianto.