FIC: Torchwood (drabble) - Prisoner

May 03, 2009 12:19

Title: Prisoner
Author: fajrdrako
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Captain Jack/Captain John
Challenge: Response to a drabble challenge issued by atheneunknown for a drabble about Jack and John. I love it when my friends ask for things I love, too.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Vaguest of spoilers for Torchwood 2x01, "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" and/or 2x13, "Exit Wounds". Cross-posted to my lj and guns_n_poodles.


Captain John Hart was in cuffs - again.

"He says he knows you," said Captain Erisa Magambo to Captain Jack. "True?"

Jack almost said, "Never saw him before." But he couldn't escape his disreputable past however much he might want to, and John was giving him that reproachful puppy-dog stare that was impossible to ignore.

Besides, he wouldn't leave his worst enemy in a UNIT cell if he could help it.

"Yeah, I know him," he admitted. "He's a dangerous criminal from the future. I'll take him off your hands and subject him to Torchwood discipline."

"Ooh," said Hart, and smiled.

challenge, jack/john, drabble, torchwood

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