I still exist. <333

Jan 16, 2009 22:17

I totally meant to update this sooner, but I didn't get a chance. About halfway through the first month of 2009. Things are going well, very chill at the moment actually. I am stuck on 150lbs, I can't seem to get off of it. Not being able to lose weight when you want to is very frustrating. I would exercise, but my only form of exercise I can do has to be within the confines of my own room. I mean, I'm sure I could pick up the pace and do something, crunches, running in place, ect. I would kill for a treadmill. I'm serious, I love those things. My grandma keeps saying we are gonna get one, but it's just another empty promise. Because we never do. She's been repeating that one for years. And I don't really have the cash to dish out to join a gym... and it's way way too cold to go walking. Once it drops below 50 degrees... that's it for my walking exercise. I am a summer baby through and through. You think I am exaggerating though? Last night, Flint had the record low in the country.... that is just fucking stupid. It was -19. -_- It hasn't been that cold here in Michigan since the 1800s. They we're shutting down schools today because those kids can't stand out in this kind of cold and wait for those damn buses. Go figure.

Let's start with New Year's Resolutions? Did any of you make any this year? If so, what are they? I am curious to know. ♥ I always make them, and I really try very hard to keep them, but I never do. Let's see, last year, I weighed 180, and I wanted to be 130 by Christmas. I was 20 pounds off, because I weigh 150. So this year, I would like to lose 20 pounds by Christmas. I am confident I can do this, so root for me! Perhaps I will post my progress here every couple of weeks or something so you guys can check in on me. Or so I can keep track, mebbe both? Another resolution I made was to try to let some of my walls down. To open up to someone, and to try and fall in love. As of January 4th, I officially have a boyfriend. :] Some of you know who he is already, but some of you don't. His name is Brennen and he is actually younger than me. He's 18. And what sucks is that he lives in Atlanta, Georgia. Yeah, it's long distance and it really does make me sad all over. But he is planning on making a road trip to come spend Spring Break with me, so we will see how that goes. I am horribly excited and yet terrified at the same time.

He could just want to get in my pants, but even so, he won't make me feel like a whore because I made it very clear he had to make me his girlfriend first before there was ever a chance of that happening. So even if he winds up ditching me afterwords, yes, I will be sad... but I won't feel dirty. If that makes any sense. But I am also terrified because I don't know how I am going to act around him when he comes here. If I will be shy and distant, or if I will be lapping up every ounce of affection I can get. There is a lot to think about, and I am not even sure if I am making the right decision in dating someone so far away. But that was my resolution, right? To try... to take a chance with someone. Perhaps I need some more heartbreaks in my life is all. *shrug* Oh, and for those who are curious, this is what he looks like: [ not bad if I do say so myself ]

brennen, update sooner, exist, girlfriend, resolutions

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